Package utils

namespace PackageTools



 \* Filters the global set of packages.


 \* @param        OutGroupPackages                        The map that receives the filtered list of group packages.

 \* @param        OutPackageList                                The array that will contain the list of filtered packages.


 UNREALED_API void GetFilteredPackageList(TSet<UPackage\*>& OutFilteredPackageMap);


 \* Fills the OutObjects list with all valid objects that are supported by the current

 \* browser settings and that reside withing the set of specified packages.


 \* @param        InPackages                        Filters objects based on package.

 \* @param        OutObjects                        \[out] Receives the list of objects


 UNREALED_API void GetObjectsInPackages( const TArray<UPackage\*>\* InPackages, TArray<UObject\*>& OutObjects );


 * Handles fully loading passed in packages.


 * @param        TopLevelPackages        Packages to be fully loaded.

 * @param        OperationText                Text describing the operation; appears in the warning string presented to the user.


 * @return true if all packages where fully loaded, false otherwise


 UNREALED_API bool HandleFullyLoadingPackages( const TArray<UPackage\*>& TopLevelPackages, const FText& OperationText );


 * Loads the specified package file (or returns an existing package if it's already loaded.)


 * @param        InFilename        File name of package to load


 * @return        The loaded package (or NULL if something went wrong.)


 UNREALED_API UPackage\* LoadPackage( FString InFilename );

 * Helper function that attempts to unload the specified top-level packages.


 * @param        PackagesToUnload        the list of packages that should be unloaded


 * @return        true if the set of loaded packages was changed


 UNREALED_API bool UnloadPackages( const TArray<UPackage\*>& PackagesToUnload );


 * Helper function that attempts to unload the specified top-level packages.


 * @param        PackagesToUnload        the list of packages that should be unloaded

 * @param        OutErrorMessage                An error message specifying any problems with unloading packages


 * @return        true if the set of loaded packages was changed


 UNREALED_API bool UnloadPackages( const TArray<UPackage\*>& PackagesToUnload, FText& OutErrorMessage );


 * Helper function that attempts to reload the specified top-level packages.


 * @param        PackagesToReload        The list of packages that should be reloaded


 * @return        true if the set of loaded packages was changed


 UNREALED_API bool ReloadPackages( const TArray<UPackage\*>& PackagesToReload );


 * Helper function that attempts to reload the specified top-level packages.


 * @param        PackagesToReload        The list of packages that should be reloaded

 * @param        OutErrorMessage                An error message specifying any problems with reloading packages

 * @param        bInteractive                Whether the function is allowed to ask the user questions (such as whether to reload dirty packages)


 * @return        true if the set of loaded packages was changed


 UNREALED_API bool ReloadPackages( const TArray<UPackage\*>& PackagesToReload, FText& OutErrorMessage, const bool bInteractive = true );


 *        Exports the given packages to files.


 * @param        PackagesToExport                The set of packages to export.

 * @param        ExportPath                                receives the value of the path the user chose for exporting.

 * @param        bUseProvidedExportPath        If true and ExportPath is specified, use ExportPath as the user's export path w/o prompting for a directory, where applicable


 UNREALED_API void ExportPackages( const TArray<UPackage\*>& PackagesToExport, FString\* ExportPath=NULL, bool bUseProvidedExportPath = false );


 * Wrapper method for multiple objects at once.


 * @param        TopLevelPackages                the packages to be export

 * @param        LastExportPath                        the path that the user last exported assets to

 * @param        FilteredClasses                        if specified, set of classes that should be the only types exported if not exporting to single file

 * @param        bUseProvidedExportPath        If true, use LastExportPath as the user's export path w/o prompting for a directory, where applicable


 * @return        the path that the user chose for the export.


 UNREALED_API FString DoBulkExport(const TArray<UPackage\*>& TopLevelPackages, FString LastExportPath, const TSet<UClass\*>\* FilteredClasses = NULL, bool bUseProvidedExportPath = false );

 /\*\* Helper function that attempts to check out the specified top-level packages. \*/

 UNREALED_API void CheckOutRootPackages( const TArray<UPackage\*>& Packages );


 \* Checks if the passed in path is in an external directory. I.E Ones not found automatically in the content directory


 \* @param        PackagePath        Path of the package to check, relative or absolute

 \* @return        true if PackagePath points to an external location


 UNREALED_API bool IsPackagePathExternal(const FString& PackagePath);


 * Checks if the passed in package's filename is in an external directory. I.E Ones not found automatically in the content directory


 * @param        Package        The package to check

 * @return        true if the package points to an external filename


 UNREALED_API bool IsPackageExternal(const UPackage& Package);


 * Checks if the passed in packages have any references to externally loaded packages. I.E Ones not found automatically in the content directory


 * @param        PackagesToCheck                                        The packages to check

 * @param        OutPackagesWithExternalRefs                Optional list of packages that do have external references

 * @param        LevelToCheck                                        The ULevel to check

 * @param        OutObjectsWithExternalRefs                List of objects gathered from within the given ULevel that have external references

 * @return        true if PackagesToCheck has references to an externally loaded package


 UNREALED_API bool CheckForReferencesToExternalPackages(const TArray<UPackage\*>\* PackagesToCheck, TArray<UPackage\*>\* OutPackagesWithExternalRefs, ULevel\* LevelToCheck=NULL, TArray<UObject\*>\* OutObjectsWithExternalRefs=NULL );

 /** Saves all the dirty packages for the specified objects\*/

 UNREALED_API bool SavePackagesForObjects(const TArray<UObject\*>& ObjectsToSave);


 * Checks if the package has only one asset which shares its name


 * @param Package The package to check

 * @return true if the package has only one asset which shares the name of the package


 UNREALED_API bool IsSingleAssetPackage (const FString& Package);

 /** Replaces all invalid package name characters with _ */

 UNREALED_API FString SanitizePackageName(const FString& InPackageName);
