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A much more powerful debugger than Visual Studio but annoyingly must be downloaded as a Windows App Store

Command Cheatsheet#

Debugger Analysis#

Command Desc
k Display backtrace
!locks Display all resource locks held by any thread
!uniqstack Display all thread stacks excluding duplicates
!findstack Find all stacks containing specified symbol/module

Breakpoints Analysis#

Command Desc
bp Set Breakpoint: new breakpoint using address
bu Set Unresolved Breakpoint: new unresolved/deferred breakpoint using symbolic reference. Persists across module load/unload
bm Set Symbol Breakpoint: new breakpoints on symbols using pattern match; defaults to unresolved but can associate to address with /d switch
ba Break on Access: new data hardware breakpoint
be/bd/bc Breakpoint Enable/Disable/Clear: enable/disable/clear breakpoints
bl Breakpoint List: list breakpoints with current status
.bpcmds Display Breakpoint Commands: list breakpoints with commands
br Breakpoint Renumber: change breakpoint ID
bs Update Breakpoint Command: change breakpoint command
bsc Update Conditional Breakpoint: change breakpoint condition

Hang Analysis#

  • run analysis: !analyze -v -hang
  • look at the stack and rerun the stack dump command (eg: ~0s ; .cxr ; kb)
  • most likely will be NtWaitForSingleObject. Grab the handle pointer and fe

Crash/Dump Analysis#

WinDBG Notes#

  • BreakPoints
  • can specify the location of a breakpoint by virtual address, module and function offsets, or source file and line number (when in source mode)
    • function breakpoint without offset is triggered on function entry
  • can be associated with a certain thread
  • can enable a fixed number of passes through an address before it is triggered
  • can automatically issue certain commands when it is triggered
  • can be set on non-executable memory and watch for that location to be read or written to
  • can include a command to execute on trigger
    • Ex: breaks at MyFunction+0x47, writes a dump file, then resumes execution: bu MyFunction+0x47 ".dump c:\mydump.dmp; g"
  • each breakpoint has a decimal number called the breakpoint ID associated with it. This number identifies the breakpoint in various commands
  • Hardware Breakpoints
  • Complex DataAccess breakpoints