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Compositing Equation#

  • Beauty = DiffuseFilter_DiffuseLightingRaw + DiffuseFilter_GlobalIlluminationRaw + DiffuseFilter*SubsurfaceScatteringRaw + SpecularLighting + Reflections + Refractions + Emission + Caustics
  • If using "Caustics Raw" instead of "Caustics", these would have to also be multiplied by "Diffuse Filter".
  • Redshift Doc
  • Volume AOVs
  • Multiply the primary AOV composite by the Volume Fog Tint AOV
    • Volume Fog Tint AOV is a multiplicative layer/volume transmittance
  • Add the Volume Lighting AOV to the primary AOV composite.
    • Additive layer that contains only the volume lighting information
  • Add the Volume Fog Emission AOV to the primary AOV composite.
    • Additive layer that contains only the emission component

Volume Rendering#

  • If want to make volume darker but preserve approximate intensity, adjust scatter and absorption coefficients together
  • use the "Scatter Tint" to adjust the overall color of the volume
  • advanced manipulation of scattering can happen vie the scatter color ramp to remap density to different color
  • Absorption also can be remapped. Its a scalar as it's conceptually remapping opacity
Scatter=5,Absorption=5 Scatter=10,Absorption=10 Scatter=10,Absorption=5 Scatter=3,Absorption=3,ScatterTint=White Scatter=3,Absorption=3,ScatterTint=Blue