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Linux Desktop#



wsl --list --online list available Linux distributions
wsl --list --verbose list installed Linux distributions
wsl --unregister [distro] unregister and uninstall wsl distro
`wsl --set-default-version [1 2]`
wsl --update update WSL
wsl --status check WSL status
wsl --system launch system distro
wsl -d [distro] --exec '...' run command without using the default Linux shell
`wsl -d [distro] --shell-type [standard login
wsl --debug-shell launch debug shell for diagnostics purposes
wsl hostname --all-ip-addresses get all Host IP address
`grep -m1 nameserver /etc/resolv.conf awk '{print $2}'`
`ip route grep default
`ifconfig eth0 grep inet`



  • /etc/wsl.conf: per-distribution settings for WSL
    command=service docker start                                     # Set a command to run when a new WSL instance launches. This example starts the Docker container service
    [automount]                                                      # Automatically mount Windows drive when the distribution is launched
    enabled=true                                                     # Set to true will automount fixed drives (C:/ or D:/) with DrvFs under the root directory set above. Set to false means drives won't be mounted automatically, but need to be mounted manually or with fstab.
    root=/                                                           # Sets the directory where fixed drives will be automatically mounted. This example changes the mount location, so your C-drive would be /c, rather than the default /mnt/c. 
    options="metadata,uid=1003,gid=1003,umask=077,fmask=11,case=off" # DrvFs-specific options can be specified.  
    mountFsTab=true                                                  # Sets the `/etc/fstab` file to be processed when a WSL distribution is launched.
    [network]                                                        # Network host settings configure the DNS server used by WSL2
    hostname=DemoHost                                                # change hostname
    generateHosts=false                                              # prevent WSL from the default behavior of auto-generating /etc/hosts
    generateResolvConf=false                                         # prevent WSL from auto-generating /etc/resolv.conf so that you can create your own ie. nameserver
    enabled=false                                                    # Set whether WSL supports interop process like launching Windows apps and adding path variables. Setting these to false will block the launch of Windows processes and block adding $PATH environment variables.
    default=DemoUser                                                 # Set the user when launching a distribution with WSL


  • %USERPROFILE%/.wslconfig: global settings for WSL2
[wsl2] section default notes
kernel Microsoft built kernel provided inbox absolute Windows path to a custom Linux kernel
memory 50% Windows total memory capped at 8GB WSL2 VM memory allocation
processors Windows logical processors count WSL2 VM logical processors count
localhostForwarding true allow Host access (via localhost:port) to WSL2 VM wildcard/localhost ports
kernelCommandLine blank additional kernel command line arguments
safeMode false disables many features, intended for distro recover recovery
swap 25% Windows memory size WSL2 VM swap space size, 0 for no swap file
swapFile %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\swap.vhdx absolute Windows path to the swap virtual hard disk
pageReporting true enables Windows to reclaim unused allocated memory frin WSL2 VM
guiApplications* true enable WSLg/GUI applications support
debugConsole* false enable output console displaying dmesg contents of WSL2 VM
nestedVirtualization* true enable other nested VMs to run inside WSL2
vmIdleTimeout* 60000 WSL2 VM idle milliseconds before it is shut down
[experimental] section default opt-in previews of experimental features
autoMemoryReclaim disabled Automatically releases cached memory after detecting idle CPU usage. Set to gradual for slow release, and dropcache for instant release of cached memory
sparseVhd false When set to true, any newly created VHD will be set to sparse automatically
networkingMode** NAT If the value is mirrored then this turns on mirrored networking mode. Default or unrecognized strings result in NAT networking
firewall** false Setting this to true allows the Windows Firewall rules, as well as rules specific to Hyper-V traffic, to filter WSL network traffic
dnsTunneling** false Changes how DNS requests are proxied from WSL to Windows
autoProxy* false Enforces WSL to use Windows’ HTTP proxy information
[experimental] section default configures aspects of the experimental settings
useWindowsDnsCache ** false (if experimental.dnsTunneling=true) DNS requests tunneled from Linux will bypass cached names within Windows to always put the requests on the wire
bestEffortDnsParsing ** false (if experimental.dnsTunneling=true) Windows will extract the question from the DNS request and attempt to resolve it, ignoring the unknown records
initialAutoProxyTimeout * 1000 (if experimental.autoProxy=true) configures WSL wait milliseconds timeout for retrieving HTTP proxy information when starting a WSL container
ignoredPorts ** null (if experimental.networkingMode=mirrored) specifies bindable ports for Linux apps even if ports under active use by Windows (e.g. 3000,9000,9090); enables unblocking apps using a port for purely Linux side traffic. Ex: port 53 for Linux Docker Desktop
hostAddressLoopback ** false (if experimental.networkingMode=mirrored) enables additional local IP address assigned to Host; allows connectivity Container to Host, or Host to Container
  • path values must be escaped Windows paths e.g: C:\\Temp\\myCustomKernel
  • size values must be a size followed by a unit e.g. 8GB or 512MB
  • * only for Windows 11
  • ** only for Windows Insiders Program


X Window System#


  • Window System: provides an interface between keyboard, mouse, gpu and monitor
  • Window Manager: responsible for window layout, moving, resizing
  • Desktop Environment: responsible for common graphical UI elements (e.g. icons, toolbars, wallpapers) through bundle components/applications meant to work with each other
  • Display Manager: graphical login manager responsible for starting login session
  • Session Manager: responsible for persisting/restoring desktop session state i.e. state of window manager/running applications

Window System vs Window Manager vs Desktop Environment#

ELI5 from source

  • Window System (Xorg/Wayland) talking to Kernel:

  • The entire screen is mine now

  • Only I can draw to it
  • Put it in pretty color mode
  • The entire mouse and keyboard is mine now
  • Only tell me if the mouse or keyboard does anything
  • Programs talking to Window System:

  • Give me a square of screen to draw on

  • How big is that square?
  • Put a white box in that screen square
  • Put a black line in that square
  • Did the mouse just click in my square
  • Where did it click
  • How long for
  • Did it move while it was clicked
  • Window Manager (i3/awesome) talking to Window System:

  • When you make a square for a program, make a extra bit at the top

  • When the mouse clicks and drags that extra bit, move the entire square
  • Put an X in that extra bit
  • If the mouse clickes that X tell the program to stop, and then delete it's square
  • Put an empty box in that extra bit
  • When the mouse clicks that empty box in the extra bit, make the square as BIG as you can
  • Let's pretend there is a line arround the programs square
  • If the mouse clicks and drags that line, change the size of the square, and tell the program it's a different size now
  • Maybe put the title of the program in human words in the extra bit too, humans like that
  • Desktop Environment (kde/gnome) talking to Window System:

  • Draw loads of pretty little pictures on the screen, but behind everything else

  • This picture is a planet with a fox arround it
  • Put the human word 'firefox' under that picture
  • If the mouse clicks twice really fast on that picture, tell me, and I can start the /usr/bin/firefox program
  • HEY, if the mouse ever clicks twice on a picture that is a file, not a program, let me know, I can find the program the mouse needs to open that file
  • Hey, if the user ever taps the super key on the keyboard, let's move ALL the windows side by side, so the mouse can choose the one it wants


  • X11: client-server system for managing GUI using X protocol (reference)

[!warning] X Server runs on physical/local user machine; X Client runs on server/remote machine

  • X Server: mediates access to displays/input devices e.g. monitors, mice, keyboards
  • X Client: client program handles graphical data
  • X Display: made up of at least one screen, keyboard, and pointer device
  • X11 Forwarding: use X11 over SSH because X protocol is plaintext
  • $DISPLAY: variable denoting X Display connection for X Client

  • X Client derives unix/tcp socket connection to display through the X Server

  • X Server accepts/rejects connection and then forwards the connection to the requested screen
  • hostname:display_number.screen_number: format
    • display_number: must always be explicitly set
    • hostname,screen_number: defaults to device_name/unix and 0
    • :0: shorthand for device_name/unix:0.0
    • unix:0: shorthand for device_name/unix:0
  • unix/tcp socket associated to display:
    • hostname:n -> localhost:6000+n
    • hostname/unix:n -> /tmp/.X11-unix/Xn

X11 Architecture details

X11 Startup files#

Bash Init Scripts and Loading/Execution Order
Linux Login Scripts

  • ~/.xinitrc: executed in text console mode login

  • executed after logging in by xinit usually invoked via startx

    • first you log in on a text console
    • then you start the GUI with startx
  • purpose:_ start the GUI part of the session
    • sets GUI-related settings e.g. key bindings (with xmodmap,xkbcomp), X resources (with xrdb), etc
    • launches session/window manager (possibly as part of a desktop environment)
  • /etc/X11/Xsession: analog to /etc/profile used by login shells

  • executed when X Window System session is started (regardless of using a display manager or startx from a virtual terminal)

  • /etc/X11/Xsession.d/*: ordered scripts that get sourced (analog to /etc/profile.d)
  • ~/.xsession: executed in graphical mode login

  • purpose: starting the GUI session manager and possibly set login-time parameters (e.g. env vars)

  • on termination => the X session will log out and returned to your display manager login screen
  • Example:

    # typical .xsession
    . ~/.profile
    . ~/.xinitrc
    # Start our session manager of choice
    exec x-session-manager

  • ~/.xsessionrc: place to set X session specific settings

  • set env vars or run once-off utilities at launch (e.g xrandr/xmodmap)

  • can also use this to source /etc/profile and ~/.profile
  • does not exist by default so you must create it


Enable Debug Messages#

  • .wslconfig: enable WSL2 instance's debug console displaying dmesg output
  • wsl.exe dmesg: manually dump dmesg output

Strace Failing Command#

  • Run the failing command under strace. Normal command structure is:
strace -ff <command>

[!note] strace can produce lengthy output. If the generated trace is more than about 20 lines please paste this into a Gist or another paste service and link in the bug.

  • Example
$ strace traceroute
execve("/usr/bin/traceroute", ["traceroute", ""], [/* 22 vars */]) = 0
brk(0)                                  = 0x7fffdd3bc000
access("/etc/", F_OK)      = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
mmap(NULL, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7f1f4e820000
access("/etc/", R_OK)      = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)

Networking Issues#

git clone --depth=1 %tmp%\WSL
cd %tmp%\WSL\diagnostics
  • Once the script execution is completed, include both its output and the generated log file, wsl.etl on the issue.

Collect WSL Logs#

  • To collect WSL logs, download and execute collect-wsl-logs.ps1 in an administrative powershell prompt:

    Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "" -OutFile collect-wsl-logs.ps1
    Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force

  • The script will output the path of the log file once done

Collect WSL Crashdump#

Easiest way to introspect WSL process crash is by collecting a user-mode crash dump.

  • To enable automatic crash dumps, run the following commands in an elevated command prompt:
md C:\crashes
reg.exe add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps" /f
reg.exe add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps" /v DumpFolder /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d C:\crashes /f
reg.exe add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps" /v DumpType /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f
  • Crash dumps will then automatically be written to C:crashes.

  • Once you're done, crash dump collection can be disabled by running the following command in an elevated command prompt:

reg.exe delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps" /f

Collect wslservice Time Travel Trace#

To collect time travel debugging traces:

  • Install Windbg preview
  • Open windbg preview as administrator by running windbgx in an elevated command prompt
  • Navigate to file -> Attach to process
  • Check Record with Time Travel Debugging (at the bottom right)
  • Check Show processes from all users (at the bottom)
  • Select wslservice.exe. Note, if wslservice.exe is not running, you make it start it with: wsl.exe -l
  • Click Configure and Record (write down the folder you chose for the traces)
  • Reproduce the issue
  • Go back to windbg and click Stop and Debug
  • Once the trace is done collecting, click Stop Debugging and close Windbg
  • Go to the folder where the trace was colleced, and locate the .run file. It should look like: wslservice*.run
  • Share that file on the issue