Game Flow Diagram#
Related: Detailed Actor LifeCycle Diagram
Numbers signify steps not necessarily at the same class nesting
- UGameInstance::Init() - CreateUOnlineSession and Register Delegates()
- UEngine::LoadMap()
UWorld::InitializeActorsForPlay() - Call register components on all actor components in all levels. Note: Construction scripts are rerun in uncooked mode
- UActorComponent::RegisterComponent() - Adding itself to its owner and inside owner's world, possibly creating rendering/physics state
ABBGameModeBase::InitGame - Create the Game Session and register FGameDelegates (ex: PreCommitMapChangeDelegate, HandleDisconnectDelegate)
Ulevel::RouteActorInitialize() -
a) Actor::PreInitializeComponents() - On all actors in the level
Side Note: AGameModeBase::PreInitializeComponents() creates
AGameStateBase and calls InitGameState()
AGameNetworkManager which handles game-specific networking management (cheat detection, bandwidth management, etc)
b) Iterate through Ulevel::Actors[] and call these functions on them one at a time
UActorComponent::Activate() - Sets Component Tick To Be Enables & bIsActive = true
UActorComponent::InitializeComponent() - Place for components to Initialize themselves before BeginPlay (Actor or Component for anything in the world)
PostInitializeComponents() - Code that can run after gaurantee that all components have been initialized
c) Iterate through all Ulevel::ActorsToBeginPlay[] and call BeginPlay() to allows code to run with assumption that all other level actors have been PostInitializeComponents()
Not sure why this is here instead of the main call to BeginPlay(possibly for networked late joins?)
- Uworld::BeginPlay()
a) GameMode::StartPlay()
Actor::BeginPlay(), for all actors
- UActorComponent::RegisterAllComponentTickFunctions() - Allows components to register multiple tick functions (ex: Physics tick, cloth tick in skeletalmeshcomponent)
- UActorComponent::BeginPlay()
Queues up all the TickFunctions according to their dependency graph & TickGroup
Ticking within each group is done by a dependency graph (AddTickPrerequisite) of tick functions of various objects during TickFunction registration
This function might change what TickGroup something runs in according to the prerequisite tick function's tickgroup
Actor Components do not necessarily tick after their owner Actor
Calls RunTickGroup() for various tick groups which ticks components
FTickableGameObject::TickObjects() - ticks UObjects or anything that derives from FTickableGameObject (e.g. SceneCapturerCubes or LevelSequencePlayers )
FTicker::GetCoreTicker().Tick(FApp::GetDeltaTime()) - Ticks all objects of type FTickerObjectBase. Ex: FHttpManager, FAvfMediaPlayer, FVoiceCapture, FSteamSocketSubsystem)
This would be great place to add Objects that need to tick at the end of the frame that are engine/world agnostic
Good possible place for our own UDP network ticking replication
GameMode Flow:
- InitGame()
- InitGameState()
- PostInitializeComponents()
- ChoosePlayerStart_Implementation()
- PostLogin()
- HandleStartingNewPlayer_Implementation()
- ChoosePlayerStart_Implementation()
- SetPlayerDefaults()
- RestartPlayerAtPlayerStart()
- StartPlay()