Editor file utils


\* For saving map files through the main editor frame.


class FEditorFileUtils



/** Used to decide how to handle garbage collection. */

enum EGarbageCollectionOption


GCO_SkipGarbageCollection = 0,

GCO_CollectGarbage = 1,


/** Sets the active level filename so that "Save" operates on this file and "SaveAs" must be used on others */

static void RegisterLevelFilename(UObject\* Object, const FString& NewLevelFilename);


// ResetLevelFilenames


* Clears current level filename so that the user must SaveAs on next Save.

* Called by NewMap() after the contents of the map are cleared.

* Also called after loading a map template so that the template isn't overwritten.


static void ResetLevelFilenames();


// Loading

DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnLevelsChosen, const TArray<FAssetData>& /\*SelectedLevels\*/);



* Opens a non-modal dialog to allow the user to choose a level


* @param OnLevelsChosen Delegate executed when one more more levels have been selected

* @param OnLevelPickingDialogClosed Delegate executed when the level picking dialog is closed

* @param bAllowMultipleSelection If true, more than one level can be chosen


static UNREALED_API void OpenLevelPickingDialog(const FOnLevelsChosen& OnLevelsChosen, const FOnLevelPickingCancelled& OnLevelPickingCancelled, bool bAllowMultipleSelection);


* Returns true if the specified map filename is valid for loading or saving.

* When returning false, OutErrorMessage is supplied with a display string describing the reason why the map name is invalid.


static UNREALED_API bool IsValidMapFilename(const FString& MapFilename, FText& OutErrorMessage);


* Unloads the specified package potentially containing an inactive world.

* When returning false, OutErrorMessage is supplied with a display string describing the reason why the world could not be unloaded.


static UNREALED_API bool AttemptUnloadInactiveWorldPackage(UPackage\* PackageToUnload, FText& OutErrorMessage);


* Prompts the user to save the current map if necessary, the presents a load dialog and

* loads a new map if selected by the user.


static UNREALED_API bool LoadMap();


* Loads the specified map. Does not prompt the user to save the current map.


* @param Filename Map package filename, including path.


* @param LoadAsTemplate Forces the map to load into an untitled outermost package

* preventing the map saving over the original file.

* @param bShowProgress Whether to show a progress dialog as the map loads\\

* @return true on success, false otherwise


static UNREALED_API bool LoadMap(const FString& Filename, bool LoadAsTemplate = false, const bool bShowProgress=true);


// Saving


* Saves the specified map package, returning true on success.


* @param World The world to save.

* @param Filename Map package filename, including path.


* @return true if the map was saved successfully.


static bool SaveMap(UWorld\* World, const FString& Filename );


* Saves the specified level. SaveAs is performed as necessary.


* @param Level The level to be saved.

* @param DefaultFilename File name to use for this level if it doesn't have one yet (or empty string to prompt)

* @param OutSavedFilename When returning true, this string will be set to the filename of the saved level.


* @return true if the level was saved.


static UNREALED_API bool SaveLevel(ULevel\* Level, const FString& DefaultFilename = TEXT( "" ), FString\* OutSavedFilename = nullptr );

/** Saves packages which contain map data but are not map packages themselves. \*/

static UNREALED_API void SaveMapDataPackages(UWorld\* World, bool bCheckDirty);


* Does a SaveAs for the specified assets.


* @param Assets The collection of assets to save.

* @param SavedAssets The collection of corresponding saved assets (contains original asset if not resaved).


UNREALED_API static void SaveAssetsAs(const TArray<UObject\*>& Assets, TArray<UObject\*>& OutSavedAssets);


* Does a saveAs for the specified level.


* @param Level The Level to be SaveAs'd.

* @param OutSavedFilename When returning true, this string will be set to the filename of the saved level.

* @return true if the world was saved.


UNREALED_API static bool SaveLevelAs(ULevel\* Level, FString\* OutSavedFilename = nullptr);


* Saves all levels to the specified directory.


* @param AbsoluteAutosaveDir Autosave directory.

* @param AutosaveIndex Integer prepended to autosave filenames..

* @param bForceIfNotInList Should the save be forced if the package is dirty, but not in DirtyPackagesForAutoSave?

* @param DirtyPackagesForAutoSave A set of packages that are considered by the auto-save system to be dirty, you should check this to see if a package needs saving


static bool AutosaveMap(const FString& AbsoluteAutosaveDir, const int32 AutosaveIndex, const bool bForceIfNotInList, const TSet< TWeakObjectPtr<UPackage> >& DirtyPackagesForAutoSave);


* Saves all levels to the specified directory.


* @param AbsoluteAutosaveDir Autosave directory.

* @param AutosaveIndex Integer prepended to autosave filenames..

* @param bForceIfNotInList Should the save be forced if the package is dirty, but not in DirtyPackagesForAutoSave?

* @param DirtyPackagesForAutoSave A set of packages that are considered by the auto-save system to be dirty, you should check this to see if a package needs saving


static EAutosaveContentPackagesResult::Type AutosaveMapEx(const FString& AbsoluteAutosaveDir, const int32 AutosaveIndex, const bool bForceIfNotInList, const TSet< TWeakObjectPtr<UPackage> >& DirtyPackagesForAutoSave);


* Saves all asset packages to the specified directory.


* @param AbsoluteAutosaveDir Autosave directory.

* @param AutosaveIndex Integer prepended to autosave filenames.

* @param bForceIfNotInList Should the save be forced if the package is dirty, but not in DirtyPackagesForAutoSave?

* @param DirtyPackagesForAutoSave A set of packages that are considered by the auto-save system to be dirty, you should check this to see if a package needs saving


* @return true if one or more packages were autosaved; false otherwise


static bool AutosaveContentPackages(const FString& AbsoluteAutosaveDir, const int32 AutosaveIndex, const bool bForceIfNotInList, const TSet< TWeakObjectPtr<UPackage> >& DirtyPackagesForAutoSave);


* Saves all asset packages to the specified directory.


* @param AbsoluteAutosaveDir Autosave directory.

* @param AutosaveIndex Integer prepended to autosave filenames.

* @param bForceIfNotInList Should the save be forced if the package is dirty, but not in DirtyPackagesForAutoSave?

* @param DirtyPackagesForAutoSave A set of packages that are considered by the auto-save system to be dirty, you should check this to see if a package needs saving


* @return Success if saved at least one faile. NothingToDo if there was nothing to save. Failure on at least one auto-save failure.


static EAutosaveContentPackagesResult::Type AutosaveContentPackagesEx(const FString& AbsoluteAutosaveDir, const int32 AutosaveIndex, const bool bForceIfNotInList, const TSet< TWeakObjectPtr<UPackage> >& DirtyPackagesForAutoSave);


* Looks at all currently loaded packages and saves them if their "bDirty" flag is set, optionally prompting the user to select which packages to save)


* @param bPromptUserToSave true if we should prompt the user to save dirty packages we found. false to assume all dirty packages should be saved. Regardless of this setting the user will be prompted for checkout(if needed) unless bFastSave is set

* @param bSaveMapPackages true if map packages should be saved

* @param bSaveContentPackages true if we should save content packages.

* @param bFastSave true if we should do a fast save. (I.E dont prompt the user to save, dont prompt for checkout, and only save packages that are currently writable). Note: Still prompts for SaveAs if a package needs a filename

* @param bNotifyNoPackagesSaved true if a notification should be displayed when no packages need to be saved.

* @param bCanBeDeclined true if the user prompt should contain a "Don't Save" button in addition to "Cancel", which won't result in a failure return code.

* @param bOutPackagesNeededSaving when not NULL, will be set to true if there was any work to be done, and false otherwise.

* @return true on success, false on fail.


UNREALED_API static bool SaveDirtyPackages(const bool bPromptUserToSave, const bool bSaveMapPackages, const bool bSaveContentPackages, const bool bFastSave = false, const bool bNotifyNoPackagesSaved = false, const bool bCanBeDeclined = true, bool\* bOutPackagesNeededSaving = NULL);


* Looks at all currently loaded packages and saves them if their "bDirty" flag is set and they include specified clasees, optionally prompting the user to select which packages to save)


* @param SaveContentClasses save only specified classes or children classes

* @param bPromptUserToSave true if we should prompt the user to save dirty packages we found. false to assume all dirty packages should be saved. Regardless of this setting the user will be prompted for checkout(if needed) unless bFastSave is set

* @param bFastSave true if we should do a fast save. (I.E dont prompt the user to save, dont prompt for checkout, and only save packages that are currently writable). Note: Still prompts for SaveAs if a package needs a filename

* @param bNotifyNoPackagesSaved true if a notification should be displayed when no packages need to be saved.

* @param bCanBeDeclined true if the user prompt should contain a "Don't Save" button in addition to "Cancel", which won't result in a failure return code.

* @return true on success, false on fail.


UNREALED_API static bool SaveDirtyContentPackages(TArray<UClass\*>& SaveContentClasses, const bool bPromptUserToSave, const bool bFastSave = false, const bool bNotifyNoPackagesSaved = false, const bool bCanBeDeclined = true);


* Appends array with all currently dirty world packages.


* @param OutDirtyPackages Array to append dirty packages to.


UNREALED_API static void GetDirtyWorldPackages(TArray<UPackage\*>& OutDirtyPackages);


* Appends array with all currently dirty content packages.


* @param OutDirtyPackages Array to append dirty packages to.


UNREALED_API static void GetDirtyContentPackages(TArray<UPackage\*>& OutDirtyPackages);


* Saves the active level, prompting the use for checkout if necessary.


* @return true on success, False on fail


UNREALED_API static bool SaveCurrentLevel();

/** Enum used for prompt returns \*/

enum EPromptReturnCode


PR_Success, /\*\* The user has answered in the affirmative to all prompts, and execution succeeded \*/

PR_Failure, /\*\* The user has answered in the affirmative to prompts, but an operation(s) has failed during execution \*/

PR_Declined, /\*\* The user has declined out of the prompt; the caller should continue whatever it was doing \*/

PR_Cancelled /\*\* The user has cancelled out of a prompt; the caller should abort whatever it was doing \*/



* Optionally prompts the user for which of the provided packages should be saved, and then additionally prompts the user to check-out any of

* the provided packages which are under source control. If the user cancels their way out of either dialog, no packages are saved. It is possible the user

* will be prompted again, if the saving process fails for any reason. In that case, the user will be prompted on a package-by-package basis, allowing them

* to retry saving, skip trying to save the current package, or to again cancel out of the entire dialog. If the user skips saving a package that failed to save,

* the package will be added to the optional OutFailedPackages array, and execution will continue. After all packages are saved (or not), the user is provided with

* a warning about any packages that were writable on disk but not in source control, as well as a warning about which packages failed to save.


* @param PackagesToSave The list of packages to save. Both map and content packages are supported

* @param bCheckDirty If true, only packages that are dirty in PackagesToSave will be saved

* @param bPromptToSave If true the user will be prompted with a list of packages to save, otherwise all passed in packages are saved

* @param OutFailedPackages \[out] If specified, will be filled in with all of the packages that failed to save successfully

* @param bAlreadyCheckedOut If true, the user will not be prompted with the source control dialog

* @param bCanBeDeclined If true, offer a "Don't Save" option in addition to "Cancel", which will not result in a cancellation return code.


* @return An enum value signifying success, failure, user declined, or cancellation. If any packages at all failed to save during execution, the return code will be

* failure, even if other packages successfully saved. If the user cancels at any point during any prompt, the return code will be cancellation, even though it

* is possible some packages have been successfully saved (if the cancel comes on a later package that can't be saved for some reason). If the user opts the "Don't

* Save" option on the dialog, the return code will indicate the user has declined out of the prompt. This way calling code can distinguish between a decline and a cancel

* and then proceed as planned, or abort its operation accordingly.


UNREALED_API static EPromptReturnCode PromptForCheckoutAndSave( const TArray<UPackage\*>& PackagesToSave, bool bCheckDirty, bool bPromptToSave, TArray<UPackage\*>\* OutFailedPackages = NULL, bool bAlreadyCheckedOut = false, bool bCanBeDeclined = true );


// Import/Export


* Presents the user with a file dialog for importing.

* If the import is not a merge (bMerging is false), AskSaveChanges() is called first.


UNREALED_API static void Import();

UNREALED_API static void Import(const FString& InFilename);

UNREALED_API static void Export(bool bExportSelectedActorsOnly); // prompts user for file etc.


// Source Control


* Prompt the user with a check-box dialog allowing him/her to check out the provided packages

* from source control, if desired


* @param bCheckDirty If true, non-dirty packages won't be added to the dialog

* @param PackagesToCheckOut Reference to array of packages to prompt the user with for possible check out

* @param OutPackagesCheckedOutOrMadeWritable If not NULL, this array will be populated with packages that the user selected to check out or make writable.

* @param OutPackagesNotNeedingCheckout If not NULL, this array will be populated with packages that the user was not prompted about and do not need to be checked out to save. Useful for saving packages even if the user canceled the checkout dialog.

* @param bPromptingAfterModify If true, we are prompting the user after an object has been modified, which changes the cancel button to "Ask me later".


* @return true if the user did not cancel out of the dialog and has potentially checked out some files

* (or if there is no source control integration); false if the user cancelled the dialog


UNREALED_API static bool PromptToCheckoutPackages(bool bCheckDirty, const TArray<UPackage\*>& PackagesToCheckOut, TArray< UPackage\* >\* OutPackagesCheckedOutOrMadeWritable = NULL, TArray< UPackage\* >\* OutPackagesNotNeedingCheckout = NULL, const bool bPromptingAfterModify = false );


* Check out the specified packages from source control and report any errors while checking out


* @param PkgsToCheckOut Reference to array of packages to check out

* @param OutPackagesCheckedOut If not NULL, this array will be populated with packages that were checked out.

* @param bErrorIfAlreadyCheckedOut true to consider being unable to checkout a package because it is already checked out an error, false to allow this without error


* @return true if all the packages were checked out successfully


UNREALED_API static ECommandResult::Type CheckoutPackages(const TArray<UPackage\*>& PkgsToCheckOut, TArray<UPackage\*>\* OutPackagesCheckedOut = NULL, const bool bErrorIfAlreadyCheckedOut = true);


* Check out the specified packages from source control and report any errors while checking out


* @param PkgsToCheckOut Reference to array of package names to check out

* @param OutPackagesCheckedOut If not NULL, this array will be populated with packages that were checked out.

* @param bErrorIfAlreadyCheckedOut true to consider being unable to checkout a package because it is already checked out an error, false to allow this without error


* @return the result of the check out operation


UNREALED_API static ECommandResult::Type CheckoutPackages(const TArray<FString>& PkgsToCheckOut, TArray<FString>\* OutPackagesCheckedOut = NULL, const bool bErrorIfAlreadyCheckedOut = true);


* Prompt the user with a check-box dialog allowing him/her to check out relevant level packages

* from source control


* @param bCheckDirty If true, non-dirty packages won't be added to the dialog

* @param SpecificLevelsToCheckOut If specified, only the provided levels' packages will display in the

* dialog if they are under source control; If nothing is specified, all levels

* referenced by GWorld whose packages are under source control will be displayed

* @param OutPackagesNotNeedingCheckout If not null, this array will be populated with packages that the user was not prompted about and do not need to be checked out to save. Useful for saving packages even if the user canceled the checkout dialog.


* @return true if the user did not cancel out of the dialog and has potentially checked out some files (or if there is

* no source control integration); false if the user cancelled the dialog


UNREALED_API static bool PromptToCheckoutLevels(bool bCheckDirty, const TArray<ULevel\*>& SpecificLevelsToCheckOut, TArray<UPackage\*>\* OutPackagesNotNeedingCheckout = NULL);


* Overloaded version of PromptToCheckOutLevels which prompts the user with a check-box dialog allowing

* him/her to check out the relevant level package if necessary


* @param bCheckDirty If true, non-dirty packages won't be added to the dialog

* @param SpecificLevelToCheckOut The level whose package will display in the dialog if it is

* under source control


* @return true if the user did not cancel out of the dialog and has potentially checked out some files (or if there is

* no source control integration); false if the user cancelled the dialog


UNREALED_API static bool PromptToCheckoutLevels(bool bCheckDirty, ULevel\* SpecificLevelToCheckOut);


* Checks to see if a filename is valid for saving.

* A filename must be under MAX_UNREAL_FILENAME_LENGTH to be saved


* @param Filename Filename, with or without path information, to check.

* @param OutError If an error occurs, this is the reason why


UNREALED_API static bool IsFilenameValidForSaving( const FString& Filename, FText& OutError );

/** Loads a simple example map \*/

UNREALED_API static void LoadDefaultMapAtStartup();


* Save all packages corresponding to the specified world, with the option to override their path and also

* apply a prefix.


* @param InWorld The world to save (including its children)

* @param RootPath Root Path override, replaces /Game/ in original name

* @param Prefix Optional prefix for base filename, can be NULL

* @param OutFilenames The file names of all successfully saved worlds will be added to this

* @return true if at least one level was saved.

* If bPIESaving, will be true is ALL worlds were saved.


static bool SaveWorlds(UWorld\* InWorld, const FString& RootPath, const TCHAR\* Prefix, TArray<FString>& OutFilenames);

/** Whether or not we're in the middle of loading the simple startup map */

static bool IsLoadingStartupMap() {return bIsLoadingDefaultStartupMap;}


* Returns a file filter string appropriate for a specific file interaction.


* @param Interaction A file interaction to get a filter string for.

* @return A filter string.


UNREALED_API static FString GetFilterString(EFileInteraction Interaction);


* Looks for package files in the known content paths on disk.


* @param OutPackages All found package filenames.


UNREALED_API static void FindAllPackageFiles(TArray<FString>& OutPackages);


* Looks for source control submittable files in the known content paths on disk.


* @param OutPackages All found package filenames and their source control state

* @param bIncludeMaps If true, also adds maps to the list


UNREALED_API static void FindAllSubmittablePackageFiles(TMap<FString, FSourceControlStatePtr>& OutPackages, const bool bIncludeMaps);


* Looks for config files for the current project.


* @param OutConfigFiles All found config filenames.


UNREALED_API static void FindAllConfigFiles(TArray<FString>& OutConfigFiles);


* Looks for source control submittable config files for the current project.


* @param OutConfigFiles All found config filenames and their source control state.


UNREALED_API static void FindAllSubmittableConfigFiles(TMap<FString, FSourceControlStatePtr>& OutConfigFiles);


* Helper function used to decide whether a package name is a map package or not. Map packages aren't added to the additional package list.


* @param ObjectPath The path to the package to test

* @return True if package is a map


UNREALED_API static bool IsMapPackageAsset(const FString& ObjectPath);


* Helper function used to decide whether a package name is a map package or not. Map packages aren't added to the additional package list.


* @param ObjectPath The path to the package to test

* @param MapFilePath OUT parameter that returns the map file path if it exists.

* @return True if package is a map


UNREALED_API static bool IsMapPackageAsset(const FString& ObjectPath, FString& MapFilePath);


* Helper function used to extract the package name from the object path


* @param ObjectPath The path to the package to test

* @return The package name from the string


UNREALED_API static FString ExtractPackageName(const FString& ObjectPath);\\


// File

UNREALED_API static FString GetFilename(const FName& PackageName);

UNREALED_API static FString GetFilename(UObject\* LevelObject);
