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Zig Crash Course#

Reference Material#

Highlevel Differences#

Excluded features#

  • string type
  • classes/inheritance/runtime polymorphism
  • interfaces/protocols
  • constructors/destructors/RAII (zig uses defer/errdefer keyword)
  • function/operator overloading
  • closures or lambdas
  • garbage collection
  • exceptions (zig uses error codes instead)

Added features#

  • Optional Values are first class citizen, replacing null pointers
  • Errors as first class citizen algebraic types
  • Structs as namespaces
  • Compile time code execution replace macros
  • Loops, labeled blocks, and if statements are expressions
  • Slices

Semantic departures#

  • const is immutable and enforced

  • variable shadowing not allowed

  • there are no truthy values for if statements

  • global scope constants are default comptime values; if type is omitted, they are comptime typed

const x: i32 = 47;
const y = -47;  // comptime integer.

pub fn main() void {
    var a: i32 = y; // comptime constant coerced into correct type
    var b: i64 = y; // comptime constant coerced into correct type
    var c: u32 = y; // error: cannot cast negative value -47 to unsigned integer
  • return values must be used by default

  • ignore by assigning to _ = foobar()

  • all function arguments are immutable
  • Integer conversion/overflow

  • Implicit integer widening casts allowed

  • Overflows are detectable illegal behavior

  • To explicitly allow overflow, use overflow operators

    Normal Operator Wrapping Operator
    + +%
    - -%
    * *%
    += +%=
    -= -%=
    *= *%=
test "well defined overflow" {
    var a: u8 = 255;
    a +%= 1;
    expect(a == 0);
  • pointer syntax: (motivation: reduce ambiguities/make type inference easier)
u8            : one u8 value
?u8           : one optional u8 value
[2]u8         : array of 2 u8 values
[2:0]u8       : zero-terminated array of 2 u8 values
[2]*u8        : array of 2 u8 pointers
*u8           : pointer to one u8 value
*?u8          : pointer to one optional u8 value
?*u8          : optional pointer to u8 value
*const u8     : pointer to immutable u8 value
*const ?u8    : pointer to immutable optional u8 value
?*const u8    : optional pointer to immutable u8 value
*[2]u8        : pointer to array of 2 u8 values      
*[2:0]u8      : pointer to zero-terminated array of 2 u8 values      
*const [2]u8  : pointer to immutable array of 2 u8 values      
[]u8          : slice(pointer + runtime len) of u8 values
[]?u8         : slice(pointer + runtime len) of optional u8 values
?[]u8         : optional slice(pointer + runtime len) of u8 values
[]*u8         : slice(pointer + runtime len) of pointers to u8 values      
[]*const u8   : slice(pointer + runtime len) of pointers to immutable u8 values      
[*]u8         : pointer(unknown len) to of u8
[*:0]u8       : pointer(unknown len) to but zero-terminated of u8 values
*[]const u8   : pointer to slice of immutable u8 values      
*[]*const ?u8 : pointer to slice of pointers to immutable optional u8 values  

var x: i32 = 4;
var ptr: *i32 = &x;
ptr.* = 15;
  • pointer type coercion
[2]u8  -> *[2]u8    : by using address operator (&)
[2]u8  -> []u8      : by using slice operator [..]
*[2]u8 -> []u8      : automatic coercion from pointer to fixed size array to slice
[]u8   -> [*]u8     : by using .ptr
any    -> ?any      : automatic coercion from non-optional to optional
any    -> const any : automatic coercion from non-const to const
  • pointers can't be assigned null by default (motivation: stricter type checking. Optional value types are used instead )

  • no automatic allocation by convention; any allocation functions explicitly take an allocator argument

  • compiler intrinsic functions are prefixed by @ e.g. @This(), @typeInfo(@TypeOf(args))

Casting for C Programmers#

  • @as: only allowed when the casting operation is unambiguous and safe

  • use case: casting a compile-time integer for use in type inference:

    var x = 5;              // not allowed - should x be signed? unsigned? what size?
    var x = @as(u8, 5);     // type inference allows the compiler to determine that x is type u8

  • use case: casting an unsigned int to a larger signed int:

    var x : u8 = 5;
    var y = @as(i32, x);

  • use case: casting an int to a larger-size int of the same sign

    var x : u8 = 5;
    var y = @as(u32, x);

  • @truncate: explicitly cast to a smaller-size integer with the same signedness, by removing the most-significant bits

  • NOTE: @truncate() on signed integers removes the most significant bits so the results may or may not remain negative

    var x = @as(u16, 513);    // x in binary: 0000001000000001
    var y = @truncate(u8, x); // y in binary:         00000001

  • @bitCast: Used to to cast between same sized types, preserving the bitpattern

  • relevant when casting between signed and unsigned types (i.e. reinterpret cast)

    var x = @as(u8, 180);     // x in binary: 10110100 (value is 180)
    var y = @bitCast(i8, x);  // y in binary: 10110100 (value is -76)

  • @intCast: for runtime safety-checked narrowing conversions

  • the dual of @bitCast i.e. preserves value but not the bitpattern

  • out of range cast is detectable illegal behavior
  • if @setRuntimeSafety(true), invalid @intCast with panic; otherwise, it's undefined behavior
    var x = @as(i16, 180);
    var y = @intCast(u8, x); // this is fine
    var z = @intCast(i8, y); // this will crash

Basic Syntax#


  • @import is built-in function, evaluated at compile time.

  • takes in a file, and gives you a struct type based on that file. All declarations labeled as pub will end up in result struct for use

  • @import("std") is a special case in the compiler, and gives you access to the standard library. Other @imports will take in a file path, or a package name

  • @import to import stdlib/files/etc and assign to a namespace

const std = @import("std");
  • almost everything needs to be assigned to an identifier


  • normal: var x: i32 = 7;
  • const: const x: i32 = 7;
  • uninit: var x: i32 = undefined;
  • Zig will fill with 0XAA for debugging
  • type coercion: const inferred_constant = @as(i32, 5);


  • Zig supports hex, octal and binary integer literals

    const decimal_int: i32 = 98222;
    const hex_int: u8 = 0xff;
    const another_hex_int: u8 = 0xFF;
    const octal_int: u16 = 0o755;
    const binary_int: u8 = 0b11110000;

  • Underscores may also be placed between digits as a visual separator

    const one_billion: u64 = 1_000_000_000;
    const binary_mask: u64 = 0b1_1111_1111;
    const permissions: u64 = 0o7_5_5;
    const big_address: u64 = 0xFF80_0000_0000_0000;


  • use @setFloatMode(.Optimized) to enable -ffast-math

  • Floats support multiple kinds of literal

const floating_point: f64 = 123.0E+77;
const another_float: f64 = 123.0;
const yet_another: f64 = 123.0e+77;

const hex_floating_point: f64 = 0x103.70p-5;
const another_hex_float: f64 = 0x103.70;
const yet_another_hex_float: f64 = 0x103.70P-5;
  • Underscores may also be placed between digits
const lightspeed: f64 = 299_792_458.000_000;
const nanosecond: f64 = 0.000_000_001;
const more_hex: f64 = 0x1234_5678.9ABC_CDEFp-10;
  • int <-> float casts: @intToFloat and @floatToInt.

  • @intToFloat is always safe

  • @floatToInt is detectable illegal behavior if the float can't fit into integer


  • string literals are null-terminated utf-8 encoded arrays of const u8 bytes.
  • length does not include the null termination (officially called "sentinel termination")
  • it's safe to access the null terminator.
  • indices are by byte, not by unicode glyph


  • general syntax

    [pub] fn myFunName(arg: argType) returnType {

  • pub to mark function as exportable from current scope

  • return values must be used but can be assigned to throw away e.g. _ = foo();


  • can be given namespaced methods
const Suit = enum {
    pub fn isClubs(self: Suit) bool {
        return self == Suit.clubs;
  • can also be given namespaced const/var variables, which act as namespaced globals. Values are unrelated and unattached to instances of the enum
const Mode = enum {
    var count: u32 = 0;

test "hmm" {
    Mode.count += 1;
    expect(Mode.count == 1);


  • can be named/anonymous

  • the type name derived from the variable decl it's assigned to or the type constructor function

  • can have default values and members can be init out of order

  • can also contain namespaced functions

  • can be coerced into other structs

  • syntactic sugar: emulate member functions by having first param be a pointer to struct

const Point = struct {
  const Self = @This();

  x: f64,
  y: f64,
  z: f64,

  pub fn distance(self: Self, p: Point) f64 {
    const x2 = math.pow(f64, self.x - p.x, 2);
    const y2 = math.pow(f64, self.y - p.y, 2);
    const z2 = math.pow(f64, self.z - p.z, 2);
    return math.sqrt(x2 + y2 + z2);
  fn print(self: Point) void {
    std.debug.print("value: {}\n", .{self.x, self.y, self.z});

pub fn main() !void {
  const p1 = Point{ .x = 0, .y = 2, .z = 8 };
  const p2 = .{ .x = 0, .y = 6, .z = 8 };
  assert(p1.distance(p2) == 4);
  assert(Point.distance(p1, p2) == 4);


  • Bare union types do not have a guaranteed memory layout
  • bare unions cannot be used to reinterpret memory. Accessing a field in a union which is not active is detectable illegal behavior
    const Payload = union {
        int: i64,
        float: f64,
        bool: bool,
    test "simple union" {
        var payload = Payload{ .int = 1234 };
        payload.float = 12.34; // error => test "simple union"...access of inactive union field

Tagged Unions#

  • Tagged unions are unions which use an enum used to detect which field is active. Here we make use of a switch with payload capturing; captured values are immutable so pointers must be taken to mutate the values.
const Tag = enum { a, b, c };

const Tagged = union(Tag) { a: u8, b: f32, c: bool };

test "switch on tagged union" {
    var value = Tagged{ .b = 1.5 };
    switch (value) {
        .a => |*byte| byte.* += 1,
        .b => |*float| float.* *= 2,
        .c => |*b| b.* = !b.*,
    expect(value.b == 3);
  • The tag type of a tagged union can also be inferred. Shorthand for above
const Tagged = union(enum) { a: u8, b: f32, c: bool };
  • void member types can have their type omitted from the syntax. Here, none is of type void
const Tagged2 = union(enum) { a: u8, b: f32, c: bool, none };


Control flow#

  • if/switch

    if (v < 0) {
      return "negative";
    else {
      return "non-negative";

  • can also work as an expression: x += if (a) 1 else 2;

  • switch (no case fall through, must be exhaustive)
    var x: i8 = 10;
        switch (x) {
            -1...1 => {
                x = -x;
            10, 100 => {
                //special considerations must be made
                //when dividing signed integers
                x = @divExact(x, 10);
            else => {},


  • for loops over arrays or slices
const string = [_]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c' };
for (string) |character, index| {}
for (string) |character| {}
for (string) |_, index| {}
for (string) |_| {}
  • while: has three parts - a condition, a block and a continue expression
var i: u8 = 2;
while (i < 100) {
    i *= 2;

var sum: u8 = 0;
var i: u8 = 0;
while (i <= 3) : (i += 1) {
    if (i == 2) break;
    if (i == 1) continue;
    sum += i;


  • Pointer types are declared by prepending * to the front of the type. No spiral declarations like C!
  • dereference with the .* field

    pub fn printer(value: *i32) void {
        std.debug.print("pointer: {}\n", .{value});
        std.debug.print("value: {}\n", .{value.*});

  • can't assign null or 0 to pointer

  • usize/isize: pointer sized integral types

    expect(@sizeOf(usize) == @sizeOf(*u8));
    expect(@sizeOf(isize) == @sizeOf(*u8));

  • unbounded array: [*]T

  • works like *T but supports indexing, pointer arithmetic, & slicing syntax



  • allow statement to execute on lexical scope exit.
  • multiple defers get executed in reverse order
    var x: i16 = 5;
      defer x += 2;
      expect(x == 5);
    expect(x == 7);


  • No exceptions
  • Errors are values in a open union type, similar to enums
  • Error sets coerce to their supersets.


  • if enabled, "detectable illegal behavior" will cause panic; undefined if off
  • Ex: array out of bounds access
  • selective toggle in a block with @setRuntimeSafety(false);
  • unreachable is a keyword similar to llvm intrinsic
    return switch (x) {
            'a'...'z' => x + 'A' - 'a',
            'A'...'Z' => x,
            else => unreachable,

Labeled blocks#

  • Blocks in Zig are expressions and can be given labels, which are used to yield values. Here, we are using a label called blk. Blocks yield values, meaning that they can be used in place of a value. The value of an empty block {} is a value of the type void
test "labelled blocks" {
    const count = blk: {
        var sum: u32 = 0;
        var i: u32 = 0;
        while (i < 10) : (i += 1) sum += i;
        break :blk sum;
    expect(count == 45);
    expect(@TypeOf(count) == u32);
  • This can be seen as being equivalent to C’s i++
blk: {
  const tmp = i;
  i += 1;
  break :blk tmp;
  • Loops can be given labels, allowing you to break and continue to outer loops
test "nested continue" {
  var count: usize = 0;
  outer: for ([_]i32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }) |_| {
    for ([_]i32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }) |_| {
      count += 1;
      continue :outer;
  expect(count == 8);
  • Loops can be expressions. Like return, break accepts a value. This can be used to yield a value from a loop. Loops in Zig also have an else branch on loops, which is evaluated when the loop is not exited from with a break.
fn rangeHasNumber(begin: usize, end: usize, number: usize) bool {
  var i = begin;
  return while (i < end) : (i += 1) {
    if (i == number) {
      break true;
  } else false;

test "while loop expression" {
  expect(rangeHasNumber(0, 10, 3));


  • nullable: any type, not just pointers, can be nullable

  • pointers aren't allowed to have 0 or null value

  • they are unions of the base type and the special value null
  • Optionals use the syntax ?T and are used to store the data null, or a value of type T
test "optional" {
  var found_index: ?usize = null;
  const data = [_]i32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12 };
  for (data) |v, i| {
    if (v == 10) found_index = i;
  expect(found_index == null);
  • Optionals support the orelse expression, which acts when the optional is null. This unwraps the optional to its child type
test "orelse" {
  var a: ?f32 = null;
  var b = a orelse 0;
  expect(b == 0);
  expect(@TypeOf(b) == f32);
  • .? is a shorthand for orelse unreachable. This is used for when you know it is impossible for an optional value to be null, and using this to unwrap a null value is detectable illegal behaviour
test "orelse unreachable" {
  const a: ?f32 = 5;
  const b = a orelse unreachable;
  const c = a.?;
  expect(b == c);
  expect(@TypeOf(c) == f32);
  • Payload capturing: if non-null, can “capture” value. if (b) |value| captures the value of b and copies it inside value.
test "if optional payload capture" {
  const a: ?i32 = 5;
  if (a != null) {
    const value = a.?;

  const b: ?i32 = 5;
  if (b) |value| {}
var numbers_left: u32 = 4;
fn eventuallyNullSequence() ?u32 {
  if (numbers_left == 0) return null;
  numbers_left -= 1;
  return numbers_left;

test "while null capture" {
  var sum: u32 = 0;
  while (eventuallyNullSequence()) |value| {
    sum += value;
  expect(sum == 6); // 3 + 2 + 1
  • Optional pointer and optional slice types do not take up any extra memory, compared to non-optional ones. This is because internally they use the 0 value of the pointer for null.

  • This is how null pointers in Zig work - they must be unwrapped to a non-optional before dereferencing, which stops null pointer dereferences from happening accidentally.

Payload Captures#

Payload captures use the syntax |value| and appear in many places. These are used to “capture” the value from something.

With if statements and optionals.

test "optional-if" {
    var maybe_num: ?usize = 10;
    if (maybe_num) |n| {
        expect(@TypeOf(n) == usize);
        expect(n == 10);
    } else {

With if statements and error unions. The else with the error capture is required here.

test "error union if" {
    var ent_num: error{UnknownEntity}!u32 = 5;
    if (ent_num) |entity| {
        expect(@TypeOf(entity) == u32);
        expect(entity == 5);
    } else |err| {

With while loops and optionals. This may have an else block.

test "while optional" {
    var i: ?u32 = 10;
    while (i) |num| : (i.? -= 1) {
        expect(@TypeOf(num) == u32);
        if (num == 1) {
            i = null;
    expect(i == null);

With while loops and error unions. The else with the error capture is required here.

var numbers_left2: u32 = undefined;

fn eventuallyErrorSequence() !u32 {
    return if (numbers_left2 == 0) error.ReachedZero else blk: {
        numbers_left2 -= 1;
        break :blk numbers_left2;

test "while error union capture" {
    var sum: u32 = 0;
    numbers_left2 = 3;
    while (eventuallyErrorSequence()) |value| {
        sum += value;
    } else |err| {
        expect(err == error.ReachedZero);

For loops.

test "for capture" {
    const x = [_]i8{1, 5, 120, -5};
    for (x) |v| expect(@TypeOf(v) == i8);

Switch cases on tagged unions.

const Info = union(enum) {
    a: u32,
    b: []const u8,
    d: u32,

test "switch capture" {
    var b = Info{ .a = 10 };
    const x = switch (b) {
        .b => |str| blk: {
            expect(@TypeOf(str) == []const u8);
            break :blk 1;
        .c => 2,
        //if these are of the same type, they
        //may be inside the same capture group
        .a, .d => |num| blk: {
            expect(@TypeOf(num) == u32);
            break :blk num * 2;
    expect(x == 20);

So far, we have only shown payload captures with copy semantics (i.e. the captured value is a copy of the original value). We can also modify captured values by taking them as pointers, using the |*value| syntax. This is called a pointer capture.

test "for with pointer capture" {
    var data = [_]u8{1, 2, 3};
    for (data) |*byte| byte.* += 1;
    expect(eql(u8, &data, &[_]u8{2, 3, 4}));

Inline Loops#

inline loops are unrolled, and allow some things to happen which only work at compile time. Here we use a for, but a while works similarly.

test "inline for" {
    const types = [_]type{ i32, f32, u8, bool };
    var sum: usize = 0;
    inline for (types) |T| sum += @sizeOf(T);
    expect(sum == 10);

Using these for performance reasons is inadvisable unless you’ve tested that explicitly unrolling is faster; the compiler tends to make better decisions here than you.


opaque types in Zig have an unknown (albeit non-zero) size and alignment. Because of this these data types cannot be stored directly. These are used to maintain type safety with pointers to types that we don’t have information about.

const Window = opaque {};
const Button = opaque {};

extern fn show_window(*Window) callconv(.C) void;

test "opaque" {
    var main_window: *Window = undefined;

    var ok_button: *Button = undefined;
./test-c1.zig:653:17: error: expected type '*Window', found '*Button'
./test-c1.zig:653:17: note: pointer type child 'Button' cannot cast into pointer type child 'Window'

Opaque types may have declarations in their definitions (the same as structs, enums and unions).

const Window = opaque {
    fn show(self: *Window) void {

extern fn show_window(*Window) callconv(.C) void;

test "opaque with declarations" {
    var main_window: *Window = undefined;;

The typical use case of opaque is to maintain type safety when interoperating with C code that does not expose complete type information.

Anonymous Structs#

The struct type may be omitted from a struct literal. These literals may coerce to other struct types.

test "anonymous struct literal" {
    const Point = struct { x: i32, y: i32 };

    var pt: Point = .{
        .x = 13,
        .y = 67,
    expect(pt.x == 13);
    expect(pt.y == 67);

Anonymous structs may be completely anonymous i.e. without being coerced to another struct type.

test "fully anonymous struct" {
        .int = @as(u32, 1234),
        .float = @as(f64, 12.34),
        .b = true,
        .s = "hi",

fn dump(args: anytype) void {
    expect( == 1234);
    expect(args.float == 12.34);
    expect(args.s[0] == 'h');
    expect(args.s[1] == 'i');


Anonymous structs without field names may be created, and are referred to as tuples. These have many of the properties that arrays do; tuples can be iterated over, indexed, can be used with the ++ and ** operators, and have a len field. Internally, these have numbered field names starting at "0", which may be accessed with the special syntax @"0" which acts as an escape for the syntax - things inside @"" are always recognized as identifiers.

An inline loop must be used to iterate over the tuple here, as the type of each tuple field may differ.

test "tuple" {
    const values = .{
        @as(u32, 1234),
        @as(f64, 12.34),
    } ++ .{false} ** 2;
    expect(values[0] == 1234);
    expect(values[4] == false);
    inline for (values) |v, i| {
        if (i != 2) continue;
    expect(values.len == 6);
    expect(values.@"3"[0] == 'h');


  • can create slices of arrays/pointers/and other slices using [n..m] syntax
  • NOTE: slice operator is [n..m] where n and m are [idxStart,idxEnd)
    var array = [_]u32{0,1,2,3,4,5};
    var slice0: []u32 = array[0..];  // => {0,1,2,3,4,5}
    var slice1: []u32 = array[3..5]; // => {3,4}
    var slice2: []u32 = array[3..];  // => {3,4}
    var slice3: []u32 = array[3..1]; // => invalid, will emit compile error

Sentinel Termination#

Arrays, slices and many pointers may be terminated by a value of their child type. This is known as sentinel termination. These follow the syntax [N:t]T, [:t]T, and [*:t]T, where t is a value of the child type T.

An example of a sentinel terminated array. The built-in @bitCast is used to perform an unsafe bitwise type conversion. This shows us that the last element of the array is followed by a 0 byte.

test "sentinel termination" {
    const terminated = [3:0]u8{ 3, 2, 1 };
    expect(terminated.len == 3);
    expect(@bitCast([4]u8, terminated)[3] == 0);

The types of string literals is *const [N:0]u8, where N is the length of the string. This allows string literals to coerce to sentinel terminated slices, and sentinel terminated many pointers. Note: string literals are UTF-8 encoded.

test "string literal" {
    expect(@TypeOf("hello") == *const [5:0]u8);

[*:0]u8 and [*:0]const u8 perfectly model C’s strings.

test "C string" {
    const c_string: [*:0]const u8 = "hello";
    var array: [5]u8 = undefined;

    var i: usize = 0;
    while (c_string[i] != 0) : (i += 1) {
        array[i] = c_string[i];

Sentinel terminated types coerce to their non-sentinel-terminated counterparts.

test "coercion" {
    var a: [*:0]u8 = undefined;
    const b: [*]u8 = a;

    var c: [5:0]u8 = undefined;
    const d: [5]u8 = c;

    var e: [:10]f32 = undefined;
    const f = e;

Sentinel terminated slicing is provided which can be used to create a sentinel terminated slice with the syntax x[n..m:t], where t is the terminator value. Doing this is an assertion from the programmer that the memory is terminated where it should be - getting this wrong is detectable illegal behavior.

test "sentinel terminated slicing" {
    var x = [_:0]u8{255} ** 3;
    const y = x[0..3 :0];