Uobject upackage internals
All unreal objects have unique path in the form of string:
If you split the path using dot as delimiter you will get:
Outer most object is awlays a UPackage
- In this example, it's /Game/MyGame/MyAsset
Object flags: Tell us the state of the object
- RF_Public => this object is visible outside of its package
- Example of non-public object is a sub-object
- Every object you can see in editor is Public
- RF_Standalone => Doesn’t need to be referenced to not be garbage collected
- If containing package gets unloaded, then it gets GC'ed
- RF_Transactional => property changes are recorded and can be reverted
Class flags: tell about the object's UClass
- CLASS_Abstract => Class can't be instantiated
- CLASS_Native => Native class
- CLASS_Constructed
All native classes get populated in /Script/[ModuleName]
Native classes do not get a PostLoad
- Object is still abstract entity
- Properties initialized, including any set from config inis
- NOTE: Any properties set on default subobjects inside the constructor get stomped by the CDO's properties when the constructor exits
- So this is good place to put "per instance" constructor initialization data
- Ex: Initializing transient data that (e.g. CurrentOwner) that would be null on the CDO
- Ready to interact with the world
Serialized Assets get PostLoad
- PostLoad is where default properties that are changed in the editor get loaded into the object
- The reset to default yellow arrow simply applies the property's value from the CDO back into the current objects' property