Input processing architecture diagram flow
Input Processing#
PlayerInput Uobject exists within PlayerController class that manages player input state
Handles mouse smoothing, custom debug , gesture recognition, etc
Spawned only on clients
Contains input *mappings* e.g. FInputActionKeyMapping & FInputAxisKeyMapping map friendly names to Keys e.g. 'W' to MoveForward
As an exception, contains debug function *bindings* that can be executed through console.
Bindings to actual functions (e.g. what happens when MoveForward is pressed) should be placed in UInputComponent
InputCoreTypes.cpp contains the hardware button definition mappings to keys
Contains all the input delegate *bindings* for an Actor
Links AxisMappings/ActionMappings to game actions/functions
Input Processing Loop:#
- FEngineLoop::Tick() process input
FPlatformMisc::PumpMessages() processes mouse & keyboard while SlateApp.PollGameDeviceState() process gamepad
The Windows MsgPump happens during the main engine loop (at least on Windows, controlled by GPumpingMessagesOutsideOfMainLoop)
Gamepad input always happens inside the main loop
Actual Input keys are recorded in a side band channel through WindowsMsgPmp->SceneViewport->GameViewport
Calls into PlayerController::InputKey() to give PlayerController a chance to add logic around input capture (e.g. execute custom debug binds)
We use PlayerController::InputKey() to execute our custom debug input binds before normal engine Input processing
PlayerInput::InputKey() - record the key events in PlayerInput::KeyStateMap. This is where you can add smoothing or custom input history
Input is polled in FEngineLoop.Tick() by calling which is before GEngine->Tick()
- World::Tick()=> Process Input & Fire Bindings on components (during PlayerController's tick group, default PrePhysics
PlayerController::TickActor() calls PlayerController::PlayerTick() only on local PlayerController that has PlayerInput object so not servers. Won't be called on servers for nonlocal PCs
PlayerController::BuildInputStack() => Adds InputComponents in a stack that defines priority of what components get access to inputs first. Order from lowest priority to highest:
ControlledPawn (if input enabled)
any components inside ControlledPawn with InputComponent
LevelScriptActors with InputEnabled
All other Actors that have called Aactor::EnableInput(PlayerController) where PlayerController is this player controller
PlayerInput::ProcessInputStack() - Process the frame input's events with Input stack from BuildInputStack
virtual PlayerController::PreProcessInput() - can be overridden for work before firing input delegates
PlayerInput::ProcessInputStack() => Processes all the input delegate binds
virtual PlayerController::PostProcessInput() - can be overridden for work post firing input delegates
- Tick Player Controller Actor