Lightmass 2d lightmaps
Calculate Luma L1SH vector
Apply SH Normalization to factor out L0 term
float DirCorrection = 1.0f / FMath::Max( 0.0001f, InGatheredLightSample.SHCorrection );
DirLuma[i] *= DirCorrection / PI;
- SHCorrection is a normalization factor. Done to normalize SH vector s.t. luminance(irradiance) (Not radiance) at smoothed vertex normal = 1
// Evaluate lighting along the smoothed vertex normal direction, so that later we can guarantee an SH intensity of 1 along the normal
// These scaling coefficients are SHBasisFunction and CalcDiffuseTransferSH baked down
// 0.325735f = 0.488603f from SHBasisFunction * ⅔ from CalcDiffuseTransferSH
// Only using V[2] which is the tangent space Z
FSHVector2 SH = FSHVector2::SHBasisFunction(TangentDirection);
Result.SHCorrection = Color.GetLuminance() * (0.282095f * SH.V[0] + 0.325735f * SH.V[2]);
Result.IncidentLighting = Color * FMath::Max(0.0f, TangentDirection.Z);
- Apply SH scale/bias normalization so that L0 == 1
float DirScale = 1.0f / FMath::Max( 0.0001f, DirLuma[0] );
float ColorScale = DirLuma[0];
// IncidentLighting is ground truth for a representative direction, the vertex normal
OutCoefficients[0][0] = ColorScale * InGatheredLightSample.IncidentLighting.R;
OutCoefficients[0][1] = ColorScale * InGatheredLightSample.IncidentLighting.G;
OutCoefficients[0][2] = ColorScale * InGatheredLightSample.IncidentLighting.B;
// Will force DirLuma[0] to 0.282095f
OutCoefficients[1][0] = -0.325735f * DirLuma[1] * DirScale;
OutCoefficients[1][1] = 0.325735f * DirLuma[2] * DirScale;
OutCoefficients[1][2] = -0.325735f * DirLuma[3] * DirScale;
GetLightMapColorHQ: L1 SH Band Data Reconstruction
Sample1.rgb encodes the L1 SH band data
NOTE: SH basis is in the canonical math coordinate frame so you have to swizzle (eg: dot( SH, float4(WorldNormal.yzx, 1) )
Reconstruct primary average color for lightmap texel (aka SH L0 term)
Luma is stored in Lightmap0.w in Log space
Lightmap chromaticity is in UVW in (aka RGB * 1/L)
Everything is range/scaled for compression. PrecomputedLightingBuffer.LightMapScale[0] & LightMapAdd[0] stored the factors for color
Reconstruct directionality
SH is in Lightmap1. But Lightmap1 is encoded specially in reverse order (L0 term is in Lightmap1.w; L1 terms are in zyx)
Also, SH is normalized s.t. L0 factor = 1 (Lightmap1.w would be 1.0); they use this to store residual for Logspace compression compression. Lightmap1.w is not used for SH (happens in LightmapData.cpp:QuantizeLightSamples())
PrecomputedLightingBuffer.LightMapScale[0] & LightMapAdd[0] stores the scale/bias
All done bc Lightmap0 & Lightmap1 are 32-bit quantized textures (8bits per component)
Key Data Structures:
class FGatheredLightMapSample
FGatheredLightSample HighQuality;
FGatheredLightSample LowQuality;
/** True if this sample maps to a valid point on a triangle. This is only meaningful for texture lightmaps. */
bool bIsMapped;
FLightSample ConvertToLightSample(bool bDebugThisSample) const;
FLightSample NewSample;
NewSample.bIsMapped = bIsMapped;
ConvertToLightSampleHelper(HighQuality, &NewSample.Coefficients[0]);
ConvertToLightSampleHelper(LowQuality, &NewSample.Coefficients[ LM_LQ_LIGHTMAP_COEF_INDEX ]);
static void ConvertToLightSampleHelper(const FGatheredLightSample& InGatheredLightSample, float OutCoefficients[2][3]):
// SHCorrection is SHVector sampled with the normal
float DirCorrection = 1.0f / FMath::Max( 0.0001f, InGatheredLightSample.SHCorrection );
float DirLuma[4];
for( int32 i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
DirLuma[i] = 0.30f * InGatheredLightSample.SHVector.R.V[i];
DirLuma[i] += 0.59f * InGatheredLightSample.SHVector.G.V[i];
DirLuma[i] += 0.11f * InGatheredLightSample.SHVector.B.V[i];
// Lighting is already in IncidentLighting. Force directional SH as applied to a flat normal map to be 1 to get purely directional data.
DirLuma[i] *= DirCorrection / PI;
// Scale directionality so that DirLuma[0] == 1. Then scale color to compensate and toss DirLuma[0].
float DirScale = 1.0f / FMath::Max( 0.0001f, DirLuma[0] );
float ColorScale = DirLuma[0];
// IncidentLighting is ground truth for a representative direction, the vertex normal
OutCoefficients[0][0] = ColorScale * InGatheredLightSample.IncidentLighting.R;
OutCoefficients[0][1] = ColorScale * InGatheredLightSample.IncidentLighting.G;
OutCoefficients[0][2] = ColorScale * InGatheredLightSample.IncidentLighting.B;
// Will force DirLuma[0] to 0.282095f
OutCoefficients[1][0] = -0.325735f * DirLuma[1] * DirScale;
OutCoefficients[1][1] = 0.325735f * DirLuma[2] * DirScale;
OutCoefficients[1][2] = -0.325735f * DirLuma[3] * DirScale;
NewSample.SkyOcclusion[0] = HighQuality.SkyOcclusion.X;
NewSample.SkyOcclusion[1] = HighQuality.SkyOcclusion.Y;
NewSample.SkyOcclusion[2] = HighQuality.SkyOcclusion.Z;
NewSample.AOMaterialMask = HighQuality.AOMaterialMask;
* Incident lighting for a single sample, as produced by a lighting build.
* FGatheredLightSample is used for gathering lighting instead of this format as FLightSampleData is not additive.
struct FLightSampleData
* Coefficients[0] stores the normalized average color,
* Coefficients[1] stores the maximum color component in each lightmap basis direction,
* and Coefficients[2] stores the simple lightmap which is colored incident lighting along the vertex normal.
float Coefficients[LM_NUM_STORED_LIGHTMAP_COEF]\[3];
float SkyOcclusion[3];
float AOMaterialMask;
/** True if this sample maps to a valid point on a triangle. This is only meaningful for texture lightmaps. */
bool bIsMapped;
* The quantized coefficients for a single light-map texel.
struct FQuantizedLightSampleData
uint8 Coverage;
uint8 Coefficients[LM_NUM_STORED_LIGHTMAP_COEF][4];
uint8 SkyOcclusion[4];
uint8 AOMaterialMask;
/** The number of coefficients that are stored for each light sample. */
static const int32 LM_NUM_STORED_LIGHTMAP_COEF = 4;
/** The number of high quality coefficients which the lightmap stores for each light sample. */
static const int32 LM_NUM_HQ_LIGHTMAP_COEF = 2;
/** The index at which low quality coefficients are stored in any array containing all LM_NUM_STORED_LIGHTMAP_COEF coefficients. */
static const int32 LM_LQ_LIGHTMAP_COEF_INDEX = 2;
struct FLightMapDataBase
/** Size of compressed lightmap data */
uint32 CompressedDataSize;
/** Size of uncompressed lightmap data */
uint32 UncompressedDataSize;
/** Scale applied to the quantized light samples */
float Multiply\[LM_NUM_STORED_LIGHTMAP_COEF]\[4];
/** Bias applied to the quantized light samples */
/** LightMap data 2D */
struct FLightMapData2DData : public FLightMapDataBase
FLightMapData2DData(uint32 InSizeX,uint32 InSizeY):
/** The width of the light-map. */
uint32 SizeX;
/** The height of the light-map. */
uint32 SizeY;
bool bHasSkyShadowing;
static void GetLUVW( const float RGB[3], float& L, float& U, float& V, float& W )
float R = FMath::Max( 0.0f, RGB[0] );
float G = FMath::Max( 0.0f, RGB[1] );
float B = FMath::Max( 0.0f, RGB[2] );
L = 0.3f * R + 0.59f * G + 0.11f * B;
if( L < 1e-4f )
U = 1.0f;
V = 1.0f;
W = 1.0f;
U = R / L;
V = G / L;
W = B / L;
* Quantizes floating point light samples down to byte samples with a scale applied to all samples
* @param InLightSamples Floating point light sample coefficients
* @param OutLightSamples Quantized light sample coefficients
* @param OutScale Scale applied to each quantized sample (to get it back near original floating point value)
* @param bUseMappedFlag Whether or not to pay attention to the bIsMapped flag for each sample when calculating max scale
* TODO Calculate residual after compression, not just quantization.
* TODO Factor out error from directionality compression and push it to color. This requires knowing a representative normal.
* Best way is probably to create a new texture compression type and do error correcting during compression.
void QuantizeLightSamples(
TArray<FLightSample>& InLightSamples,
TArray<FQuantizedLightSampleData>& OutLightSamples,
float OutMultiply\[LM_NUM_STORED_LIGHTMAP_COEF][4],
int32 DebugSampleIndex,
bool bUseMappedFlag)
//Looks like SH is stored in reverse order L1.zyxL0
//Scale/Bias made so that SH term is 0.282095
// Force SH constant term to 0.282095f. Avoids add in shader.
OutMultiply[1][3] = 0.0f;
OutAdd[1][3] = 0.282095f;
OutMultiply[3][3] = 0.0f;
OutAdd[3][3] = 0.282095f;
/** A sample of the visibility factor between a light and a single point. */
struct FShadowSampleData
/** The fraction of light that reaches this point from the light, between 0 and 1. */
float Visibility;
/** True if this sample maps to a valid point on a surface. */
bool bIsMapped;
* Export helper
* @param Component Which directional lightmap component to retrieve
* @return An FColor for this component, clamped to White
FColor GetColor(int32 Component) const
uint8 Gray = (uint8)FMath::Clamp<int32>(Visibility * 255, 0, 255);
return FColor(Gray, Gray, Gray, 0);
/** The quantized value for a single shadowmap texel */
struct FQuantizedShadowSampleData
uint8 Visibility;
uint8 Coverage;
/** ShadowMap data 2D */
struct FShadowMapData2DData : public FShadowMapDataBase
FShadowMapData2DData(uint32 InSizeX,uint32 InSizeY):
/** The width of the shadow-map. */
uint32 SizeX;
/** The height of the shadow-map. */
uint32 SizeY;