Lightmass volumetric lightmaps

Key functions:

  • CalculateVolumeSampleIncidentRadiance(): Main function

For volumetric irradience brick:

SetFromVolumeLightingSample(): Defines spherical harmonic encoding of what gets stored in the lightmap


 SH directional coefficients can be normalized by their ambient term, and then ranges can be derived from SH projection

 This allows packing into an 8 bit format

 [-1, 1] Normalization factors derived from SHBasisFunction

 Result.V0.x = 0.282095f;

 Result.V0.y = -0.488603f * InputVector.y;

 Result.V0.z = 0.488603f * InputVector.z;

 Result.V0.w = -0.488603f * InputVector.x;

 half3 VectorSquared = InputVector * InputVector;

 Result.V1.x = 1.092548f * InputVector.x * InputVector.y;

 Result.V1.y = -1.092548f * InputVector.y * InputVector.z;

 Result.V1.z = 0.315392f * (3.0f * VectorSquared.z - 1.0f);

 Result.V1.w = -1.092548f * InputVector.x * InputVector.z;

 Result.V2 = 0.546274f * (VectorSquared.x - VectorSquared.y);


 // Note: encoding behavior has to match CPU decoding in InterpolateVolumetricLightmap and GPU decoding in GetVolumetricLightmapSH3

 FLinearColor CoefficientNormalizationScale0(

 0.282095f / 0.488603f,

 0.282095f / 0.488603f,

 0.282095f / 0.488603f,

 0.282095f / 1.092548f);

 FLinearColor CoefficientNormalizationScale1(

 0.282095f / 1.092548f,

 0.282095f / (4.0f * 0.315392f),

 0.282095f / 1.092548f,

 0.282095f / (2.0f * 0.546274f));

 for (int32 ChannelIndex = 0; ChannelIndex < 3; ChannelIndex++)


 const float InvAmbient = 1.0f / FMath::Max(Sample.HighQualityCoefficients[0] [ChannelIndex], .0001f);

const FLinearColor Vector0Normalized =

 FLinearColor(Sample.HighQualityCoefficient [1] [ChannelIndex], Sample.HighQualityCoefficients [2] [ChannelIndex], Sample.HighQualityCoefficients[3] [ChannelIndex], Sample.HighQualityCoefficients [4] [ChannelIndex])

 \* CoefficientNormalizationScale0

 \*FLinearColor(InvAmbient, InvAmbient, InvAmbient, InvAmbient);

 SHCoefficients\[ChannelIndex \* 2 + 0]\[Index] = (Vector0Normalized \* FLinearColor(.5f, .5f, .5f, .5f) + FLinearColor(.5f, .5f, .5f, .5f)).QuantizeRound();

const FLinearColor Vector1Normalized =

FLinearColor(Sample.HighQualityCoefficients\[5]\[ChannelIndex], Sample.HighQualityCoefficients\[6]\[ChannelIndex], Sample.HighQualityCoefficients\[7]\[ChannelIndex], Sample.HighQualityCoefficients\[8]\[ChannelIndex])

\* CoefficientNormalizationScale1

\* FLinearColor(InvAmbient, InvAmbient, InvAmbient, InvAmbient);

SHCoefficients\[ChannelIndex \* 2 + 1]\[Index] = (Vector1Normalized \* FLinearColor(.5f, .5f, .5f, .5f) + FLinearColor(.5f, .5f, .5f, .5f)).QuantizeRound();

  • GatherVolumeImportancePhotonDirections()

  • CalculateApproximateDirectLighting()

  • IncomingRadianceAdaptive()


* Precomputed lighting volumes in the scene, used for interpolating dynamic object lighting.

* These are typically one per streaming level and they store volume lighting samples computed by Lightmass.


TArray<const FPrecomputedLightVolume*> PrecomputedLightVolumes;

/** Interpolates and caches indirect lighting for dynamic objects. */

FIndirectLightingCache IndirectLightingCache;

FVolumetricLightmapSceneData VolumetricLightmapSceneData;


* Represents the Volumetric Lightmap for a specific ULevel.


class FPrecomputedVolumetricLightmap


* The light incident for a point on a surface, in the representation used when gathering lighting.

* This representation is additive, and allows for accumulating lighting contributions in-place.


template <int32 SHOrder>

class TGatheredLightSample

/** Lighting for a point in space. */

class FVolumeLightingSampleData



/** World space position and radius. */

FVector4 PositionAndRadius;

/** SH coefficients used with high quality lightmaps. */

float HighQualityCoefficients [LM_NUM_SH_COEFFICIENTS] [3];

/** SH coefficients used with low quality lightmaps. */

float LowQualityCoefficients [LM_NUM_SH_COEFFICIENTS] [3];

FVector SkyBentNormal;

/** Shadow factor for the stationary directional light. */

float DirectionalLightShadowing;
