Game thread update code flow
For UPrimitiveComponent:
- BeginInitResources(): Create static render resources (e.g. index/vertex buffer)
Component Register
Calls PrimitiveSceneProxy::CreateSceneProxy()
GT Enqueues PrimitiveSceneProxy::SetTransform(): Updates render side xforms, local bounds, & actor position,
Calls UpdateUniformBufferMaybeLazy(): Lazily updates uniform buffer
Calls virtual OnTransformChanged(): StaticMesh just caches TotalScale3D but isn't used
RT Enqueue AddPrimitiveSceneInfo_RenderThread(): Only
Allocates new entries into FScene arrays (Bounds, VisiblityIds,OcclusionBounds,ComponentIds)
Sets up attachment group, Parent LOD, DistanceFieldSceneData
Mark Precomputed Lighting Buffer Dirty
PrimtiiveSceneInfo::AddStaticMeshes(): Add this primtive to StaticMeshDrawlist
Proxy::DrawStaticElements(): Collects Static Mesh BatchElements from ScenePrimtiveProxy
- StaticMeshSceneProxy adds 2 batch elements per mesh element. One for optimized shadows and one for normal rendering
AddToDrawLists(): Called on all the FStaticMesh elements added from DrawStaticElements(). Goes through and adds each them to respective StaticMeshDrawList
Each DrawPolicyFactory::AddStaticMesh() creates a Drawing Policy for the specific mesh and TStaticMeshDrawlist::AddMesh() it to the corresponding list. Drawing Policies define specific parameters on how to draw this mesh in this specific pass, e.g. DepthDrawingPolicy. They're sorted based on state to minimize state changes
FBasePassOpaqueDrawingPolicyFactory::AddStaticMesh() is the main responsible BasePass factory. TBasePassDrawingPolicy
is the main draw policy
Update PrimitiveOctree
Compute Bounds, Visibility Id index, OcclusionFlags, Occlusion Bounds, ComponentIds
Loop through Light Octree and create LightPrimitiveInteractions for each Light affecting this Primitive
PrimitiveSceneProxy::GetLightRelevance() based on FlightInteraction for primitive (retrieved through PrimitiveSceneProxy::GetInteraction())
Component Transform Update
MarkRenderTransformDirty(): Calls MarkForNeededEndOfFrameUpdate() so component can send transform updates at end of frame
UWorld::MarkActorComponentForNeededEndOfFrameUpdate() stores this component in its list to do deferred marshalling of sending updates to render thread
UActorComponent::DoDeferredRenderUpdates_Concurrent(): Is parallel called to actually send updates to render thread
SendRenderTransform_Concurrent() calls FScene::UpdatePrimitiveTransform()
For some objects (PrimitiveSceneProxy::ShouldRecreateProxyOnUpdateTransform()), this recreates the render state so it's expensive
GT Enqueues UpdatePrimitiveTransform_RenderThread()
PrimitiveSceneInfo::RemoveFromScene(): Remove primitive from scene at old location, octree, LightInteractions, & PrecomputedLightingBuffer, and
PrimitiveSceneProxy::SetTransform(): Updates render side xforms, local bounds, & actor position,
Calls UpdateUniformBufferMaybeLazy(): Lazily updates uniform buffer
Calls virtual OnTransformChanged(): StaticMesh just caches TotalScale3D but isn't used
PrimitiveSceneInfo::AddToScene(): Cross reference list above
Same things happens when render state is marked dirty (gets recreated with remove/add) or render dynamic data gets marked as dirty (SendRenderDynamicData_Concurrent()
For other render components not deriving from UPrimitiveComponent (e.g. Lights/Decals),
Component::CreateRenderState_Concurrent(): - Create dynamic render resources
Calls respective CreateSceneProxy()