High Level Overview#
Actor Relevancy: Trade CPU for network bandwidth
Reliable function replication:
- Function is guaranteed to be called
- Resent when an error is present
- Delayed when bandwidth is saturated
Unreliable function replication:
- Gets skipped if bandwidth is saturated
- Does not re-attempt if error occurs
UNetDriver: contains list of connections to Tick
- Server: N connections
- Client: 1 connection
- UNetConnection: Contains list of channels to replicate
- UChannel: Logical construct to route data to proper object
- Accessed by ChannelID, some have predefined ChannelIDs
- UControlChannel: For handshake exchange/non-gameplay/processing object loading requests
- UVoiceChannel: For Voice
- UActorChannel: For replicating actors
- Each replicated actor has a channel
- Actors replicated by dynamically assigned channel ID
Networking Classes#
Custom UNetDriver#
Can create custom netdrivers
- Specified through ini
- PacketHandler created in
ConnectionlessHandler->AddHandler(TEXT("Engine.EngineHandlerComponentFactory(StatelessConnectHandlerComponent)"), true);
Good starter examples:
is a more fleshed out/advanced example
Custom UNetConnection#
Can create custom UNetConnection
- Specified through ini
- PacketHandler created in
Handler->AddHandler(TEXT("Engine.EngineHandlerComponentFactory(StatelessConnectHandlerComponent)"), true);
- These are great examples:
Custom UNetChannel#
Can create custom channels
- Specified through ini; can be customized per NetDriver
+ChannelDefinitions=(ChannelName=Control, ClassName=/Script/Engine.ControlChannel, StaticChannelIndex=0, bTickOnCreate=true, bServerOpen=false, bClientOpen=true, bInitialServer=false, bInitialClient=true)
is the workhorse that preps stuff for sending -
is a great simple starting point -
is more fleshed out - ActorChannel manages the creation and lifetime of a replicated actor
- FObjectReplicator: Does Actual replication of properties and RPCs (see DataReplication.h)
Code Flow#
- LevelTick.cpp:UWorld:Tick()::BroadcastTickDispatch()
- Called at Top of tick -> BroadcastTickDispatch()
- Entry point where client receives all network requests
The main entry point for processing low level networking packets.
WARNING: By default, this is packet processing from sockets is synchronous and happens on the game thread!
- Processes incoming packets from its SocketSubsystem
- Does some DDos logic
- Some useful bits here for debugging
- GIpNetDriverMaxDesiredTimeSliceBeforeAlarmSecs: Trigger warning if packet processing is longer than this timeslice
- OnNetworkProcessingCausingSlowFrame: Delegate if network processing blocks the frame for too long
- Handles initial connection handshake through PacketHandler
- PacketHandler is extended using HandlerComponents
- They process the raw packets
- Example Handler Components: StatelessHandler, AESEncryptionHandler, OodleHandler for packet compression
- Setup UNetConnection (these are the UE4 abstraction of connections to different machines)
- Server:
- ServerConnection:
This is assumption is baked in a lot of places that relies on IsServer() to meanServerConnection == null
- ClientConnections: One for each client
- ServerConnection:
- Client:
- ServerConnection: connection to server
- ClientConnections:
- Read Packet data
- By default, socket recieve happens on this thread
- IpNetDriver: Can be configured so that it spawns a separate recieve thread to queue packets from the socket.
- If bUsingReceiveThread is enabled:
- RecieveThread buffers packets into a queue
- TickDispatch() dequeues
structs and copies the packet into a thread local memory buffer
- If it's not enabled:
- Reads the socket packets directly
bOk = Socket->RecvFrom(Data, sizeof(Data), BytesRead, *FromAddr);
- Reads the socket packets directly
- (UNetConnection)Connection->ReceivedRawPacket(Data, BytesRead);
- Handler->Incoming(): Sends packet data to PacketHandler
- Processes incoming packets at the PacketHandler level, before any UNetConnection processing takes place on the packet.
- Use this for more complex changes to packets, such as compression/encryption
- But be aware that compatibility problems with other HandlerComponent's are more likely.
- Some very light security checking
- Sets EngineNetworkProtocolVersion & GameNetworkProtocolVersion in packet stream
- UNetConnection::ReceivedPacket(): Workhorse of packet processing (still lowlevel)
- ValidateSendBuffer()
- Handles Ack/Nacks
- Reads headers, the bunch' channel sequence number, etc
Constructs the FInBunch
C++FInBunch Bunch( this ); int32 IncomingStartPos = Reader.GetPosBits(); uint8 bControl = Reader.ReadBit(); Bunch.PacketId = InPacketId; Bunch.bOpen = bControl ? Reader.ReadBit() : 0; Bunch.bClose = bControl ? Reader.ReadBit() : 0; Bunch.CloseReason = Bunch.bClose ? (EChannelCloseReason)Reader.ReadInt((uint32)EChannelCloseReason::MAX) : EChannelCloseReason::Destroyed; Bunch.bDormant = (Bunch.CloseReason == EChannelCloseReason::Dormancy); Bunch.bIsReplicationPaused = Reader.ReadBit(); Bunch.bReliable = Reader.ReadBit(); Bunch.ChIndex = ChIndex; Bunch.bHasPackageMapExports = Reader.ReadBit(); Bunch.bHasMustBeMappedGUIDs = Reader.ReadBit(); Bunch.bPartial = Reader.ReadBit(); Bunch.ChName = ... Bunch.ChType = ...
Constructs the UChannel object if needed
- (UChannel)Channel->ReceivedRawBunch(): Lowlevel Bunch processing and construction with checking against attacks (like replay attacks)
- ReceivedNextBunch():
- We received the next bunch. Basically at this point
- We know this is in order if reliable
- We dont know if this is partial or not
- If its not a partial bunch, of it completes a partial bunch, we can call ReceivedSequencedBunch to actually handle it
- ReceivedSequencedBunch(): Light wraper for main bunch processing that does cleanup after main call
- ReceivedBunch(): Main entry point for bunch processing
This is where main bunch processing happens and the function overridden by UActorChannel, UVoiceChannel,etc
- UActorChannel::ReceivedBunch()
- Resolve NetGuids: Logic for netguid pammping, packagemapclient, etc
- ProcessBunch()
- Initialize client if first time through.
- Spawn New Actor if necessary
- Connection->PackageMap->SerializeNewActor(Bunch, this, NewChannelActor);
- Sets if replication is paused
- Sets up FReplicationFlags like bIgnoreRPCs, bReplay, bRepPhysics, etc
- Read chunks of actor content
- ReadContentBlockPayload(): Read the content block header and payload
- FObjectReplicator& Replicator = FindOrCreateReplicator(RepObj): Main workhorse for actor replication
- (FObjectReplicator)Replicator->ReceivedBunch()
- Cleanup
- Update UActorChannel.ReplicationMap
- ObjectReplicator->PostReceivedBunch()
- If new SpawnedActor: Actor->PostNetInit()
- General Info
- Generic class that replicates properties for an object.
- All delta/diffing work is done in this class.
- Its primary job is to produce and consume chunks of properties/RPCs:
NetGUID ObjRef Properties... RPCs... ---------------- ---------------- -
FObjectReplicator::ReceivedBunch(): Main entry point
For RPCS: Calls FObjectReplicator::ReceivedRPC()
- Calls UE4's UFunction processing through Object->ProcessEvent()
- USEFUL NOTE: Has logic for automatically forwarding RPCs to other netdrivers (probably for demonetdriver)
C++if (Connection->Driver->ShouldForwardFunction(OwningActor, Function, Parms)) { FWorldContext* const Context = GEngine->GetWorldContextFromWorld(Connection->Driver->GetWorld()); if (Context != nullptr) { UObject* const SubObject = Object != OwningChannel->Actor ? Object : nullptr; for (FNamedNetDriver& Driver : Context->ActiveNetDrivers) { if (Driver.NetDriver != nullptr && (Driver.NetDriver != Connection->Driver) && Driver.NetDriver->ShouldReplicateFunction(OwningActor, Function)) { Driver.NetDriver->ProcessRemoteFunction(OwningActor, Function, Parms, nullptr, nullptr, SubObject); } } } }
Useful bits:
: & STRUCT_NetDeltaSerializeNativeFReplicatedActorProperty
: struct containing property and offset for replicated actor propertiesFReplicationChangelistMgr
: manages a list of change lists for a particular replicated object that have occurred since the object started replicating- Once the history is completely full, the very first changelist will then be merged with the next one (freeing a slot)
- This way we always have the entire history for join in progress players
- This information is then used by all connections, to share the compare work needed to determine what to send each connection
- Connections will send any changelist that is new since the last time the connection checked
- LevelTick.cpp:UWorld:Tick()::BroadcastPostTickDispatch()
- Called right after BroadcastTickDispatch()
- Calls UNetDriver::PostTickDispatch
- ReplicationDriver->PostTickDispatch()
- GRPCCSVTracker.EndTickDispatch()
- LevelTick.cpp:UWorld:Tick()::UWorld::TickNetClient()
- Called right after BroadcastTickDispatch()
- Does checks if the socket is closed and if it was, throw a network failure error
- LevelTick.cpp:UWorld:Tick()::BroadcastTickFlush()
- Bottom of tick-> UNetDriver::TickFlush() where all the Replication magic happens from client to everywhere else
- LevelTick.cpp:UWorld:Tick()::BroadcastPostTickFlush()
- UNetDriver::PostTickFlush() is the only thing that's bound
- Only calls UOnlineEngineInterface::Get()->ClearVoicePackets()