Misc Brain Dump#
Manage ParticleSpawning:
class AParticleEventManager : public AActor
FString ParticleEventManagerClassPath;
struct CORE_API FNetworkVersion
INetworkPredictionInterface\* **NetworkPredictionInterface** = Cast<INetworkPredictionInterface>(**PawnMovement**);
bNetLoadOnClient : If true the Actor will load from a level file on a network client. This should be set to true for Actors you place in a map that you want to exist on a client (typically most Actors want this).
Reference From https://wiki.unrealengine.com/Replication
IsNetStartupActor(): Returns true if this is a replicated actor that was placed in the map
Useful Functions#
Helper Functions#
FHttpModule/IHttpRequest/IHttpResponse: Wrapper to easily make http requests
// Add a new actor for replication programmatically
SetReplicates(bool bInReplicates)
if (Role == ROLE_Authority)
if (bReplicates == false && bInReplicates == true)
if (UWorld* MyWorld = GetWorld()) // GetWorld will return nullptr on CDO, FYI
RemoteRole = (bInReplicates ? ROLE_SimulatedProxy : ROLE_None);
bReplicates = bInReplicates;
UE_LOG(LogActor, Warning, TEXT("SetReplicates called on actor '%s' that is not valid for having its role modified."), *GetName());
JSON documentation: http://www.wraiyth.com/?p=198
/** Class that handles converting Json objects to and from UStructs */
class JSONUTILITIES_API FJsonObjectConverter
* Base class for a JSON serializable object. Derive from this to make your object serializable
struct FJsonSerializable
// FJsonSerializable
JSON_SERIALIZE( "AppName", AppName );
JSON_SERIALIZE( "SessionName", SessionName );
JSON_SERIALIZE( "FriendlyName", FriendlyName );
JSON_SERIALIZE( "Timestamp", Timestamp );
JSON_SERIALIZE( "SizeInBytes", SizeInBytes );
JSON_SERIALIZE( "DemoTimeInMs", DemoTimeInMs );
JSON_SERIALIZE( "NumViewers", NumViewers );
JSON_SERIALIZE( "bIsLive", bIsLive );
JSON_SERIALIZE( "Changelist", Changelist );
JSON_SERIALIZE( "shouldKeep", bShouldKeep );