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How vr camera transform gets applied

void UCameraComponent::GetCameraView(float DeltaTime, FMinimalViewInfo& DesiredView)


in there


force the scale to 1, or the inverse of your actor's scale


usually that case is handle through world to meters scale


are you modifying that at all?


because that would be the other path


modifying w2m with the scale of the actor


which is easier


that would scale the IPD


and the camera's motion


so if you're scaling up your actor 2x, scale the world to meters scale 2x as well

so is GetCameraView() where the actual viewmatrix gets calculated?

epicnick [6:07 PM]#

don't have the code open at the moment, but it grabs the view matrices twice


the head pose is used to update the cameracomponent in the function i pasted above, that gets the gross movement


and then CalculateStereoViewOffset gets the offsets per eye


and the view matrices are updated again in PreRenderViewFamily_RenderThread


and updated per eye in PreRenderView_RenderThread