Pausing renderclock
Pausing RenderClock:
GPauseRenderingRealtimeClock controlled in UGameEngine.Tick.
Can be paused using SetGamePaused
Uses fixeddelta time correctly
But always ticks even when Gworld->IsPaused() == true
Ticking occurs based on GPauseRenderingRealtimeClock
Only way it's ever turned off in Engine is through console cmd: PAUSERENDERCLOCK
HandlePauseRenderClockCommand( Cmd, Ar );
Sets GPauseRenderingRealtimeClock = !GPauseRenderingRealtimeClock;
Render Thread pausing
Can be paused with helper class FSuspendRenderingThread (called from Game Thread)
Flushes Render Commands
Can call StopRenderingThread()/StartRenderingThread()
These functions atomically alter GIsRenderingThreadSuspended
Also can alter GRunRenderingThreadHeartbeat which happens on start/stopping the thread. If FSuspendRenderingThread is called to suspend by recreating the render thread, it will destroy the render thread & recreate it so it will set GRunRenderingThreadHeartbeat = false through StopRenderingThread
GIsRenderingThreadSuspended is used by FRenderingThreadTickHeartbeat (a separate GameThread to manage heartbeat ticks)
Heartbeat tick @ GRenderingThreadMaxIdleTickFrequency from GameThread
It ticks FTickableObjectRenderThread objects by enqueing TickingRenderingTickables() on the rendering thread (when GIsRenderingThreadSuspended == false)
This thread runs on it's own heartbeat which is disjoint from the GT or the other RT resources
It's Tick DeltaSeconds is in system real time, not game time or fixed time