Have a look at UStaticMeshComponent::GetComponentInstanceData and UStaticMeshComponent::ApplyComponentInstanceData. This is where lightmap data for components created in a construction script are supposed to backup and then restore their static lighting. Most likely something is happening causing the lightmaps to not be restored properly. Otherwise, look for a later call to InvalidateLightingCache and see why that is happening.
Finally, is there a way to disable these static lights insertions without side effects? (without having to rebuild all the lighting without issues)
You can disregard all unbuilt interactions by modifying FLightPrimitiveInteraction::Create, however that's not addressing the root cause.
bool FLightSceneInfo::ShouldRenderLight(const FViewInfo& View) const
/** Encapsulates all View-Independent reasons to have this light render. */
bool ShouldRenderLightViewIndependent() const
return !Proxy->GetColor().IsAlmostBlack()
// Only render lights with dynamic lighting or unbuilt static lights
&& (!Proxy->HasStaticLighting() || !IsPrecomputedLightingValid());
bool IsPrecomputedLightingValid() const;
void CreateLightPrimitiveInteraction(const FLightSceneInfoCompact& LightSceneInfoCompact, const FPrimitiveSceneInfoCompact& PrimitiveSceneInfoCompact);
void ApplyLightMapping(FStaticLightingTextureMapping_InstancedStaticMesh* InMapping, ULevel* LightingScenario);
void FStaticMeshStaticLightingTextureMapping::Apply(FQuantizedLightmapData* QuantizedData, const TMap<ULightComponent*,FShadowMapData2D*>& ShadowMapData, ULevel* LightingScenario)
UInstancedStaticMeshComponent() as reference for applying custom render/lightmap data based on another primitive
class FLandscapeStaticLightingMesh : public FStaticLightingMesh
*An interface to cached lighting for a specific mesh.
class FLightCacheInterface
Analyze Material Outputs (e.g. users vertexcolor, number of texturecoordcount, etc):
void UMaterialInterface::AnalyzeMaterialProperty(EMaterialProperty InProperty, int32& OutNumTextureCoordinates, bool& bOutRequiresVertexData)
Add Render Overlay Extensions:
- This is what's used to late latch motioncontroller/hmd transforms
Custom Lightmap for components and/or referencing the indirect lighting cache in a material:
bUseLandscapeLightmap in Landscape GrassType
Code on updating lightmap coords/transforms
Also look at StaticInstanceMesh() on how to rotate/transform lightmaps
// Make sure root is a StaticMeshComponent:
USCS_Node* RootNode = SCS->GetAllNodes()[0];
check(RootNode && "SCS Root node was null!");
UStaticMeshComponent* SMC = Cast<UStaticMeshComponent>(RootNode->ComponentTemplate);
check(SMC && "Root was not a static mesh component!");
USCS_Node* MyComponentNode = SCS->CreateNode(UMyComponent::StaticClass());
MyComponentNode->ComponentTemplate->CreationMethod = EComponentCreationMethod::Native;;
RootNode->AddChildNode(MyComponentNode, false);