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Regex Cheatsheet#

Common Regex Patterns#

  • not: [^abc] e.g. any character except a, b, or c

  • preceededBy/startsWith: (?<=a)b: find+capture the first expr b that is preceeded by expr a i.e. positive lookbehind

"foobar"   => captures 'bar'
"fffoobar" => captures 'bar'
"fuubar"   => false
  • !preceededBy/!startsWith: (?<!a)b: find+capture the first expr b that is not preceeded by expr a i.e. negative lookbehind
"notfoo"    => false
"not foo"   => captures 'foo'
"foo"       => captures 'foo'
"foobaz"    => captures 'foo'
  • followedBy/endsWith: a(?=b): find+capture the first expr a that is followed by expr b i.e. positive lookahead
"foobar"    => captures 'foo' 
"foobaz"    => false
"fffoobaz"  => false
  • !followedBy/!endsWith: a(?!b): find+capture the first expr a that is not followed by expr b i.e. negative lookahead
"foobar"   => false
"foobaz"   => captures 'foo'
"fffoobaz" => captures 'foo'
  • more misc examples
/(?<!if\s|static\s)constexpr/.match(["if constexpr", "static constexpr", "constexpr"]) => ['constexpr','constexpr', false]
/\/\/(?! zig fmt: on|\/).*/