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Programming Language Theory: Basic Concepts#

  • syntax: form of programs i.e. arrangement of expressions, commands, declarations, and other constructs that constitute well-formed program
  • semantics: meaning of programs: how a well-formed program may be expected to behave when executed on a computer
  • pragmatics: intended way language to be used in practice
  • Front-end Phases
  • lexer: lexical analysis: text → tokens: tokenize character stream into tokens
  • parser: syntax analysis: tokens → CST: build concrete syntax tree based on grammar from tokens
  • semantic analyzer: semantic analysis: CST → IR: build intermediate representation
    • build AST: reduce CST into abstract syntax tree
    • annotate AST: decorate AST with semantic attributes (e.g type, scope)
    • static analysis: enforce static language semantics
    • create IR: create intermediate representation, possibly annotated with dynamic semantics

Language Constructs#

  • programs manipulate symbols, which are named values with a type, through operations expressed by language semantics using a type system
  • the language semantics typically defined in a bottom-up fashion
  • values
  • identifiers
  • entities
    • variables
    • constants
    • types
  • expressions
  • statements
  • compound statements
  • methods
  • program

Intrinsic/Meta Constructs#

  • identifier: a unique name within a given environment context
  • attribute: semantic aspect
  • may be static (compile time determined) or dynamic (determined at execution time)

    int x;
    type     := static
    value    := dynamic
    location := static if global variable, otherwise dynamic

  • some common attributes

    • type attribute: type identifier of entity
    • literal attribute: value that has no memory
    • location attribute: address of storage cell in store
    • visibility qualifier attribute: determines if a identifier can be reached outside of its scope (e.g. field/method names in C++)
    • also for variable shadowing precedence
    • qualifiers may be needed to make otherwise invisible names to be visible in a scope. Eg:
      • local var superceding global var
      • names in other packages
      • private members in classes
  • entity: collection of attributes that define semantics of a language construct.
  • entity category: defines type of language entity i.e. set of attributes + supported operations
  • simple implementation treats entities as sumtypes with entity category as the sumtype tag
  • some common entities:
    • constant entities: type attribute, value attribute
    • variable entities: type attribute, location attribute
    • function entities: signature attribute, implementation attribute
  • symbol: identifier used as a typed reference to program entities minimally containing
  • analogue of pointers to values

    analogue pointer symbol
    semantic reference to value reference to program entity
    representation 64bit integer string
    denotes memory address entity
    type points to values of type T points to entities of entity category C
    dereferencing based on pointer type + runtime state e.g. memory address in heap, offset in stack frame, device handle, etc based on name binding + environment context
    using unbound instance behavior pointer is uninit or null => null-deref/wild-pointer crash symbol binding is not in scope => compilation error if static scoped language/runtime crash if dynamic scope
  • identifier attribute: (possibly scope qualified) name of symbol

  • entity category: language entity tag implies set of attributes to expect


  • homoiconic languages require the language constructs to also be in the type system to be able to support "code as data" manipulations

  • symbol table: abstract data structure maintaining/mapping symbol → entity bindings

  • Example of Julia


  • value: an abstraction of an entity that can be manipulated by a program
  • first class citizen: can be parameter, returned from method, and assigned to variable (ex: int type)
  • second class citizen: can be parameter, but not returned from method or assigned to variable
  • third class citizen: can't be parameter
  • type: a set (in the math sense) of values with supported set of operations
  • primitive types: set of values that can't be decomposed into simpler values e.g. int, bool, char, symbol
  • compound types: constructed from other types using type constructor expression
    • product types: cartesian product of types
    • untagged: tuple, components identified by index
    • tagged: associated identifier with each component
    • sum types: set union of types
    • function types: T1 → T2 is a function type takes one argument of type T1 and returns type T2
    • array types: array(elememtType,range)
    • pointer types: ptr(elementType)
    • recursive type: defined in terms of itself
  • type system: groups values into types
  • statically typed: each variable and expression has a fixed type (implying all operands can be type-checked at compile-time)
  • dynamically typed: values have fixed types, but variables & expressions have no fixed types
    • every time operand is computed could yield a value of a different type
    • operands must be type-checked after they are computed, but before performing the operation
  • type equivalence:
    • Structural equivalence: two types have same identical type expressions
    • array ranges usually not considered as part of the type
    • record labels are considered part of the type
    • Name equivalence: have the same identifier
    • Declaration equivalence: declarations lead back to the same original type expression by a series of redeclarations


  • expression: a construct that will be evaluated to yield a value
  • literals: denotes a fixed value of some type
  • constructions: expression that constructs a composite value from its component values
  • function calls: computes a result by applying a method to one or more arguments
    • usually of form F(E1,...,En): F => the method, E1...En => expressions evaluated for each argument
    • operator may be thought of as denoting a function
  • conditional expressions
  • iterative expressions
  • constant and variable accesses
  • expressions with side effects
  • block expressions


  • statements: construct to execute to update variables i.e. commands
  • primitive statements:
    • noop: useful mainly for conditionals (e.g. C++ ;)
    • assignments: usually form `V = E;’ E => expression yielding a value, V => variable access yielding variable reference (i.e. storage location)
    • method invocation:
  • composite statements:
    • sequential
    • collateral
    • conditional
    • iterative
  • NOTE: language should provide all or most of the above; additional statement forms indication language is probably bloated


  • variable: an entity that abstracts a storage location in an abstract store that contains a value with lifetime, assignment, & equality semantics

  • terminology:

    • they are units of memory; often bound to a symbolic name but they do not have a "name"
    • aliasing: is when multiple symbols reference the same variable i.e. storage location
    • they don't have a type; variables are containers for storing values and the value they point to has a type. language semantics dictate whether variable can be assigned a new value of a different type
    • l-value: the variable's unique location in the store e.g. heap memory address
    • r-value: the actual value
    • assignment: syntactic sugar around addressing/dereferencing + load/store from associated store
      x = y       := store_update(x.attr['loc'], y.attr['val'])
      operator&() := x.attr['loc']
      operator*() := store_deref(x.attr['loc'])
  • assignment semantics: how assigning a composite value to a variable

    • copy semantics: copies all components of the composite value into the corresponding components of the composite variable
    • reference semantics: the composite variable contain a pointer (or reference) to the composite value
    • equality semantics: should be consistent with assignment semantics

    • copy semantics: equality tests whether corresponding components of the two composite values are equal

    • reference semantics: equality tests whether the pointers to the two composite values are equal
    • lifetime semantics: interval between creation/allocation and destruction/deallocated

    • storage space must be allocated before lifetime start and deallocated after lifetime end

    • global variable: lifetime is the program’s run-time.
    • local variable: lifetime is an activation of a block
    • heap variable: lifetime is arbitrary, but is bounded by the program’s run-time
    • persistent variable: lifetime is arbitrary, and may transcend the run-time of any particular program (e.g. file)
    • symbolic constants: immutable unaddressable values i.e. r-values
  • implementation detail if/where they are stored is

    • for performance, might be opcode encoded immediate literal
    • for memory efficiency, stored in program text segment
    • for runtime debugging, might be local variable or stored in data segment
  • literal: unnamed symbolic constant


  • store: abstract model of where variables reside composed of storage cells with unique location

  • storable value: the atomic unit that can be stored

    • usually primitive values and pointers are storable e.g. primitive values,pointers
    • composite values are not e.g. structs, arrays, unions, objects
  • storage cell: abstraction of atomic addressable unit with semantic (location,status,content)
    • status: either allocated or unallocated
    • location: unique address to reference this cell
    • content: for allocated cells either storable value or undefined
    • NOTE: implementation may implicitly define these (e.g. storage cells in stack frame implicitly allocated, location usually implicit)
  • dereferencing: operation that yielding current content of reference
  • pointer: entity that abstracts how a store addresses typed storage cells

  • i.e. (loc: typeof(store::address) where typeof(store_val) == ptr_type)

  • note: usually heap memory address but not always. ex: generational handles, graphics handles, os file handles


  • variable lifetime usually determines storage space allocation
  • global variables storage: static allocation
    • allocation performed at compile time. Compiler translates all names to corresponding location in the code generated by it
    • Ex: all global and static variables in C/C++/Java
  • local variables storage: stack allocation in activation frames
    • needed in any language that supports the notion of local variables for methods.
    • Examples: all local variables in C/C++/Java methods and blocks
    • implementation: compiler translates all names to relative offsets from a "activation frame location" of current scope
  • heap variables storage: dynamic allocation
    • explicit allocation, freeing e.g., `malloc/free/new/delete``
    • explicit allocation, automatic free Java
    • automatic allocation, automatic free Lisp, OCAML


  • environment context: (possibly named) set of bindings that expressions/statements are interpreted in

  • scope: program text over which declaration/binding is active

  • symbol's visibility attribute: determines if a identifier can be reached outside of its scope (e.g. field/method names in C++)

  • namespaces: named scope and used to qualify an identifier for reference
  • static scoping: associations are determined at compile time
  • dynamic scoping: associations are determined at runtime
    • usually confusing and doesn't mesh with statically typed languages
    • algebraic effects are an approach to solve downsides of dynamic scoping
  • Usually one of:
    • global
    • package or module
    • file
    • class
    • method
    • block
  • block: construct that delimits the scope of any declarations within it

  • name resolution: determining which entity name refers to in a given environment context i.e. dereferencing

  • binding: mapping of identifier to an entity and it's associated attributes (e.g. value, variable, etc)

  • binding time: when the attribute can be computed

    • (static) definition time: e.g. boolean, char, type, etc.
    • (static) implementation time: e.g. maxint, float, etc.
    • (static) compile time: e.g. value of n in const int n = 5;
    • (static) link time: e.g. definition of function f in extern int f();
    • (static) load time: e.g. location of a global variable i.e. memory address
    • (dynamic) execution time: e.g. location, value of variable
  • binding storage: determined by binding time
    • symbol table: identifier → static attributes like type
    • environment context: identifier → location
    • memory: location → value
  • binding/entity lifetime: important distinction
    • several key events between between names and their associated entity
    • entity creation/destruction for different entity types like variables, methods, types, etc
    • binding entity creation/destruction
    • binding reactivation/deactivation
    • binding lifetime: time between the creation and the destruction of a identifier-to-entity binding
    • entity lifetime: time between the creation and destruction of an object is the object's lifetime.
    • entity lifetime != binding lifetime
    • binding lifetime < entity lifetime: in pass-by-ref variable to method, the param_name→variable binding < variable binding
    • binding lifetime > entity lifetime: in use-after-free bug, identifier-to-entity binding > object
  • declarations are constructs that bind identifiers to entities in specific environment context denoted by scopes delimited by blocks

  • declaration: construct that will be elaborated to produce bindings

    • all declarations produce bindings
    • may have side effects e.g. creating variables
    • type declarations: binds an identifier to a type (may define a new type or bind an identifier to an existing type e.g. typedef)
    • constant declarations: binds an identifier to a constant value.
    • variable declarations: creates a single variable and binds an identifier to that variable
    • variable renaming: rebinding that allows an identifier to bind to an existing variable
    • variable rebinding: change binding of an existing identifier
    • method definitions: binds an identifier to a method
  • definition: for a declaration whose only effect is to produce bindings

Context Vs. Scope Vs Lifetime#

  • environment context is delimitation of the program with a set of active name bindings
  • a property of program that may be static or dynamic
  • static context portion of program text (aka lexical context)
  • execution context consists of current execution point's lexical context plus additional runtime state such as the call stack (aka execution/runtime/calling/dynamic context)
  • scope of binding: program region where name is bound to an entity
  • it is the visibility of the entity
  • it's unambiguous with static scoping but not dynamic scoping
  • it may not coincide with other scopes. ex: with closures, program may enter/leave a given extent multiple times
  • most commonly it's when a given name can refer to a given variable i.e. when a declaration is in effect but can
  • scope of variable describes where in program text it may be bound
  • is a property of the variable name binding
  • the variable's name scope affects its lifetime
  • entrance/exit into its scope typically begins/ends its lifetime
  • lifetime/extent of a variable describes where in program execution it has meaningful value
  • is a runtime property of the variable itself
  • is a subset of scope and may or may not overlap
    • a name can be bound to a variable but variable's value has not been allocated/assigned. (bug if name binding dereferenced before)
    • a variable may exist but be inaccessible e.g. memory leak bug
    • accessible but not via the given name in given context e.g. persistent value like file
    • binding scope might come into context/out of context repeatedly while variable lifetime is active e.g. closures or static local variable lifetime is duration of program, but


  • symbol table: names→attributes: - data structure maintaining bindings of names to
  • conventionally static attributes
  • needs to efficiently handle identifier lookup in presence of scope changes
  • usually implemented with hash table + scope stack
    • hashtable handles identifier → attribute lookup
    • top of stack is current scope, bottom is outermost
  • environment context: (runtime) mapping of variable identifier to location
  • binding_of: fn(scope,identifier)->location
  • Ex: binding_of("local_var_foo") := env.current_scope.stack_bp + local_var_foo.attr["stackOffset"]
  • dynamic language features require more complicated environment context (e.g. walking up activation records for dynamic scoping)
  • store: runtime equivalent of symbol table (i.e. memory). defines semantics:
  • value_at: fn(location) → value : how a location attribute is resolved to a value
  • value_update: fn(location,new_val): how a value attribute is copied


  • formal parameter: identifier through which a method can access an argument

  • argument/actual parameter: value or entity that is passed to a method

  • calling convention: low level implementation detail of how methods receive/return parameters e.g.

  • where (parameters, return values, return addresses, scope links,etc) are placed (registers,stack, memory,etc)

  • coordination details between caller/callee on how new environment context is created and restored between invocation/return
  • parameter semantics: how formal parameter is associated to corresponding argument

  • copy parameter semantics: binds the formal parameter to a local variable that contains a copy of the argument

    • copy-in parameter: (aka pass-by-value) corresponds to an (initialized) variable declaration where identifier is bound to variable
    • on invocation, a local variable is created & initialized with the argument value
    • side effects to local variable only visible within function scope
    • copy-out parameter: (aka pass-by-result) no corresponding declaration form
    • argument must be a variable
    • on invocation, a local variable is created but not initialized.
    • on return, local variable’s final value is assigned to the argument variable
    • copy-inout parameter: (aka pass-by-copy-restore) no corresponding declaration form
    • the argument must be a variable
    • on invocation, a local variable is created and initialized with the argument variable’s current value
    • on return, local variable’s final value is assigned back to the argument variable
  • reference parameter semantics: (aka pass-by-ref) binds the formal parameter directly to the argument itself
    • constant parameter: corresponds to a constant definition where an identifier is bound to a first-class value
    • argument must be a value
    • formal parameter bound to the argument value during method
    • Thus any inspection of FP is actually an indirect inspection of the argument value
    • variable parameter: corresponds to a variable renaming definition where identifier is bound to an existing variable
    • argument must be a variable
    • formal parameter bound to the argument variable during method
    • Thus any inspection (or updating) of FP is actually an indirect inspection (or updating) of the argument variable


  • activation frame: bookkeeping data necessary for evaluation of current method
  • space for all local variables
  • space for return address (where execution should resume on exit from the current method)
  • other info such as parameter values, etc.
  • calling convention: semantics of how activation record stack is managed on entry/exit
  • function prologue/epilogue: compiler inserted sections into functions that implement activation record push/pop on entry/exit in accordance with calling convention

Control Flow#

  • sequencer construct to transfer control to destination; can implement variety of control flows, with multiple entries and/or multiple exits
  • jump: sequencer transferring control to a point denoted by label
    • Ex: jump Foo;
  • escape: sequencer terminating execution of a textually enclosing statement or method
    • allows for single-entry multi-exit control flows
    • Ex: break;


  • jump/escape must be handle control transfer differently depending on environment context
  • within block: nothing to manage
  • out of block: must destroy block's local variables before control transfer
  • out of method: the method’s activation frame must be popped off the stack before control transfer


  • Error messages are the user interface to your programming language
  • Most powerful thing you have is flow-control in a language
  • Don't make types at compile time
  • Type Completeness Principle: No operation should be arbitrarily restricted in the types of its operands
  • motivation: suggests that all types in the language should have equal status
  • good example: boolean and operation: argument restriction to bool types is bc intentional not arbitrary
  • bad example: language not allowing functions to be passed as parameters
  • Qualification Principle: It is possible to include a block in any syntactic category, provided that the constructs in that syntactic category specify some kind of computation
  • ex: block expression/statement: where block local declarations are only visible to block expressions/statements
  • ex: block declaration: where local declarations D are only used for elaborating subdeclarations E
    • essentially distinguishes between private (local) and public subdeclarations
    • usually disguised as classes/packages, but naked support is uncommon
    • used extensively in Zig where pub keyword delimits what is public or not
  • The Abstraction Principle: It is possible to design procedures that abstract over any syntactic category, provided only that the constructs in that syntactic category specify some kind of computation.
  • motivation: encourage abstraction over other syntactic categories such as abstracting over declarations, types
  • ex: pure function: abstracts over an expression
    • has a body that is an expression
    • invocation is an expression that will yield a result by evaluating the function procedure’s body
  • ex: method: abstracts over a statements
    • body that is a statement
    • invocation is a statement that will update variables by executing the proper procedure’s body
  • ex: selector procedure: abstracting over a variable access (aka property getters/setters)
    • body is a variable access
    • invocation yields a variable by evaluating the selector procedure’s body
  • Correspondence Principle: For each form of declaration there exists a corresponding parameter semantics
  • motivation: programmers can easily and reliably generalize blocks into procedures.
  • converse is not always true (e.g. copy-out/copy-inout)
  • ex: copy-in parameter: corresponds to an (initialized) variable declaration where identifier is bound to variable
  • ex: constant parameter: corresponds to a constant definition. In each case, an identifier is bound to a first-class value
  • ex: variable parameter: corresponds to a variable renaming definition where identifier is bound to an existing variable

Reference Material#