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Visual Studio Tips & Tricks#

Useful Flags#

  • /d1PP: print preprocessor macros
  • /d1reportAllClassLayout & /d1reportSingleClassLayoutXXX: dump class packing and alignment layout

VS Debugger#

Context Operator Syntax#

  • There are two ways of specifying context (Reference)
    1. {,,[module] } expression
    • The braces must contain two commas and the module (executable or DLL) name or full path.
    • For example, to set a breakpoint at the SomeFunction function of EXAMPLE.dll:
    • {,,EXAMPLE.dll}SomeFunction
    • module!expression
      1. module!expression
    • Ex: EXAMPLE.dll!SomeFunction
  • module is the name of a module. You can use a full path to disambiguate between modules with the same name.
  • If the module path includes a comma, an embedded space, or a brace, you must use quotation marks around the path so that the context parser can properly recognize the string. Single quotation marks are considered part of a Windows file name, so you must use double quotation marks. For example,
  • {,,"a long, long, library name.dll"} g_Var
  • expression is any valid C++ expression that resolves to a valid target, such as a function name, variable name, or pointer address in module.
  • When the expression evaluator encounters a symbol in an expression, it searches for the symbol in the following order:
    • Lexical scope outward, starting with the current block, series of statements enclosed in braces, and continuing outward with the enclosing block. The current block is the code containing the current location, instruction pointer address.
    • Function scope. The current function.
    • Class scope, if the current location is inside a C++ member function. Class scope includes all base classes. The expression evaluator uses the normal dominance rules.
    • Global symbols in the current module.
    • Public symbols in the current program.

Commands & PseudoVars#

  • alias: List useful commands
  • Command window: ? … to execute immediate window things
  • Immediate window: > … to execute commands e.g. >shell cmd
Pseudovariable Function (Reference)
$err Displays the last error value set with the function SetLastError. The value that is displayed represents what would be returned by the GetLastError function. Use $err,hr to see the decoded form of this value. For example, if the last error was 3, the $err,hr would display ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND : The system cannot find the path specified.
$handles Displays the number of handles allocated in your application.
$vframe Displays the address of the current stack frame.
$tid Displays the thread ID for the current thread.
$env Displays the environment block in the string viewer.
$cmdline Displays the command line string that launched the program.
$pid Displays the process id.
$registername/@registername Displays the contents of the register registername. Normally, you can display register contents just by entering the register name. The only time you need to use this syntax is when the register name overloads a variable name. If the register name is the same as a variable name in the current scope, the debugger interprets the name as a variable name. That's when $registername or @registername comes in handy.
$clk Displays the time in clock cycles.
$user Displays a structure with account information for the account running the application. For security reasons, the password information is not displayed.
$exceptionstack Displays the stack trace of the current Windows Runtime exception. $ exceptionstack works only in UWP apps. $ exceptionstack is not supported for C++ and SEH exceptions
$returnvalue Displays the return value of a .NET Framework method.

Format Specifiers#

Specifier Format Original Watch Value Value Displayed
d decimal integer 0x00000066 102
o unsigned octal integer 0x00000066 000000000146
x,h hexadecimal integer (with leading 0x) 102 0xcccccccc
X,H hexadecimal integer (with leading 0x) 102 0xCCCCCCCC
xb,hb hexadecimal integer (no leading 0x) 102 cccccccc
Xb,Hb hexadecimal integer (no leading 0x) 102 CCCCCCCC
b unsigned binary integer (with leading 0b) 25 0b00000000000000000000000000011001
bb unsigned binary integer (no leading 0b) 25 00000000000000000000000000011001
e scientific notation 25000000 2.500000e+07
g shorter of scientific or floating point 25000000 2.5e+07
c single character 0x0065 101 'e'
s const char* string (with quotes) <location> "hello world" "hello world"
sb const char* string (no quotes) <location> "hello world" hello world
s8 UTF-8 string (with quotes) <location> "This is a UTF-8 coffee cup â˜-" "This is a UTF-8 coffee cup ☕"
s8b UTF-8 string (no quotes) <location> "hello world" hello world
su Unicode (UTF-16 encoding) string (with quotes) <location> L"hello world" L"hello world",u"hello world"
sub Unicode (UTF-16 encoding) string (no quotes) <location> L"hello world" hello world
bstr BSTR binary string (with quotes) <location> L"hello world" L"hello world"
env Environment block (double-null terminated string) <location> L"=::=::\\" L"=::=::\\\0=C:=C:\\windows\\system32\0ALLUSERSPROFILE=...
s32 UTF-32 string (with quotes) <location> U"hello world" U"hello world"
s32b UTF-32 string (no quotes) <location> U"hello world" hello world
en enum Saturday(6) Saturday
hv Pointer type indicating value is array heap allocation address e.g. new int[3]. <location>{<first member>} <location>{<first member>, <second member>, ...}
na Suppresses the memory address of a pointer to an object. <location>, {member=value...} {member=value...}
nd Displays only the base class information, ignoring derived classes (Shape*) square including base+derived class information Displays only base class information
hr Win32/HRESULT error code; unnecessary for HRESULTs bc debugger auto decodes them S_OK S_OK
wc Window class flag 0x0010 WC_DEFAULTCHAR
wm Windows message numbers 16 WM_CLOSE
nr Suppress "Raw View" item
nvo Show "Raw View" item for numeric values only
! Raw format, ignoring any data type views customizations <customized representation> 4
handle Displays information about win32 handle 0x000000000000009c Displays useful information about handle such as thread ID, etc.


Format Pointers as Arrays#

Specifier Format Original Watch Value Value Displayed
n Decimal or hexadecimal integer pBuffer,[32] pBuffer,[0x20] Displays pBuffer as a 32 element array.
[exp] A valid C++ expression that evaluates to an integer. pBuffer,[bufferSize] Displays pBuffer as an array of bufferSize elements.
[exp]s Format array with specifier e.g. string pBuffer,[bufferSize]s Displays pBuffer as a sized string array
expand(n) A valid C++ expression that evaluates to an integer pBuffer, expand(2) Displays the third element of pBuffer

Magic Numbers#

Code Description (Reference)
0xCCCCCCCC Used by Microsoft's C++ debugging runtime library and many DOS environments to mark uninitialized stack memory. CC resembles the opcode of the INT 3 debug breakpoint interrupt on x86 processors.
0xCDCDCDCD Used by Microsoft's C/C++ debug malloc() function to mark uninitialized heap memory, usually returned from HeapAlloc()[15]
0xFDFDFDFD Used by Microsoft's C/C++ debug malloc() function to mark "no man's land" guard bytes before and after allocated heap memory[15]
0xFEEEFEEE "Fee fee", Used by Microsoft's debug HeapFree() to mark freed heap memory. Some nearby internal bookkeeping values may have the high word set to FEEE as well.[15]

CRT runtime Debugging Techniques#

Global in Watch Window#

The way to scope the global is as follows using the Context Operator:
where foobar.dll defines g_pMyStruct as a global pointer. The same syntax can be used to scope breakpoints as well.

Advanced Debugging#

  • Common Visual Studio Commands
  • Complete commands can be found in Keyboard, EnvironmentOptions dialog box
  • Can use VCMD to create macros as commands
  • In the immediate window, prefix a command with > to execute e.g. >Debug.AttachDetach
  • Execute code in a macro (Reference)


  • Can execute code in Action:print message section of breakpoint settings by wrapping the value in textfield with {}. Ex:

  • {variable_name=0} will set variable_name=0
  • You can also concatenate several instructions on the same line. They simply have to be separated by curly braces (Reference)
    { {done = (i == 100);} { object.x -= 1.0f; } { data[15] = 3; } }


  • WinDBG
  • Perfmon
  • Process Explorer
  • Windows Performance Toolkit

Rules of thumb#

  • If CPU kernel utilization is high, then it's a driver problem
  • If System interrupts .1%, driver problem
  • In process monitor, look at System|interrupts process and look at threads/modules to see what's pegging CPU
  • Driverquery |find "driverdllname" to find info about a driver (don't use
  • strings binary.exe: >bla.txt sysinternals tool to produce all string parameters for a binary


Debugging Dependencies#

Property Sheets#

  • Dump final merged properties from all .props files: msbuild /pp:temp.xml .build/es2.vcxproj
  • You can also set the MSBuild Logging level to Diagnostic