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VEX is Houdini's SIMD streaming scripting language


  • Houdini "JIT" compiles VEX code as part of node cook process with vcc.exe
  • execution is runtime bytecode interpreter
  • using llvm for lowering/optimization for simple optimizations builtin like constant folding, dce, and outlining
  • some useful commmands
  • dump ast: vcc --vfl-input foo.vfl -c cvex --compile-all --compile-target dumpast
  • dump IR:
    • vex program: vcc --vfl-input foo.vfl -c cvex
    • unoptimized vex program: vcc --vfl-input foo.vfl -c cvex --no-optimize
    • force for all functions: vcc --vfl-input foo.vfl -c cvex --compile-all --generate-intrinsic-lib
  • more details

Useful Functions#

Function Description
xyzdist return the distance from the sample point pt to the nearest point on the surface geometry

Common Tasks#

  • Print to Console: printf("boobs %s %f", "wee", 1.0);
  • Pipe operator output referenced by parameter:
  • Object Merge Object1 field: chsop("../../../export_node")
  • opfullpath("..") + "/fluid_obj/TRIANGLE_CLOUD"
  • Loop over primitive points
  • Ryoji CG Useful Snippets
  • Create Geo
  • Iterate over points in a primitive

    int primpoints[] = primpoints(0, @primnum);
    int num_pts = len(primpoints);
    //Loop over the vertercies to find their associated points
    foreach (int pidx; int point_num; primpoints) {
      vector cd = {0.0};
      cd.g = chramp("n",pidx/float(num_pts));
      setpointattrib(0, "Cd", point_num, cd, "set");

  • More detailed method to iterate over vertices and points in a primitive

    float dist = xyzdist(1, @P, @prim, @uv);
    //Above gets the prim(n) and prim(uv) for a given point position
    //Also the distance between the given point and the prim returned
    //Although all we really need is the primitive number
    //Create array to store the primitive's point numbers
    v@primpoints;//This vector is used to store the 3 points instead of using an array, due to a limit with array attributes.
    // NOTE: Basically if you want to access the array in another wrangle
    // further down the chain, you need to use a data type other than an
    // array instead, a vector or matrix can be used to store array like data structures
    //Get the number of vertex for a given prim
    int nvtx = primvertexcount(0, @prim);
    //Loop over the vertercies to find their associated points
    for (int i = 0; i < nvtx; i++){
      //Get the linear vertex numbers for the prim(n)
      int linearvertex = vertexindex(0, @prim, i);
      //Get the point number from the linear vertex number
      int vertexpoint = vertexpoint(0, linearvertex);
      //Put point numbers into the points array
      @primpoints[i] = vertexpoint;
    //Display primitive's point numbers
    //printf("%g \n", points);

Parameter Binding#

VEX type Syntax
float f@name
vector2 (2 floats) u@name
vector (3 floats) v@name
vector4 (4 floats) p@name
int i@name
matrix2 (2×2 floats) 2@name
matrix3 (3×3 floats) 3@name
matrix (4×4 floats) 4@name
string s@name



Kiryha's Snippets#

Kiryha's VEX Snippets Inlined below


The VEX 101 and the most low-level solution blocks.


// Integers
int myInteger = 1;
i@myInteger = 1;

// Floats
float myFloat = 4.14;
f@myFloat = 3.14;

// Strings
string myStiring = 'C:/cache/';
s@myString = 'C:/cache/';

// Arrays
string variations[] = {'A','B','C'};
string variables[] = array(variable_A, variable_B, variable_C);
s[]@variations = {'A','B','C'};

Data type convertion#

// interger >> string
int number = 123;
string text = itoa(number);

// string >> integer
string text = '123';
int number = atoi(text);


// Print strings
printf('Hello, World!');
// Result: Hello, World!

// Print string variable
string text = 'Hello, World!';
printf('The text is: %s \n', text);
// Result: The text is: Hello, World!

// Slice strings
// string[start:stop]  >> Use <start> through <stop>-1
string text = '123456';
text[:];     // Result: '123456'
text[:-1];   // Result: '12345'
text[1:];    // Result: '23456'
text[1:-1];  // Result: '2345'
text[-1];    // Result: '6'
text[0];     // Result: '1'

// Concatenate (join) strings
string node = 'SOP';
string value = '256';
string output = sprintf('%s%s%s', node, ' = ', value);
printf('%s', output);
// Result: 'SOP = 256'

// Reverse
string text = 'ABCD''
// Result: 'DCBA'


// Accessing, sorting, reversing elements
int numbers[] = {5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
printf(' %d\n', numbers[0]);                // Result: 5
printf(' %d\n', numbers[-1]);               // Result: 1
printf(' %d\n', numbers[2:]);               // Result: {3, 2, 1}
printf(' %d\n', sort(numbers));             // Result: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
printf(' %d\n', reverse(sort(numbers)));    // Result: {5, 4, 3, 2, 1}

// Add element to array
int numbers[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
numbers[1] = 7;
// Result: {1, 7, 3, 4, 5, 6}
numbers[6] = 7;
// Result: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
append(numbers, 7);
// Result: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}

// Find element in array
int numbers[] = {5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
int index_of_4 = find(numbers, 4);
printf('%d', index_of_4 );
// Result: 1

// Split string with a space to array of strings
string numbres = '1 2 3 4 5 6';
string array[] = split(numbres, ' ');
printf('%s', array);
// Result: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

// Split integer into array of integers via strings
int int_number = 312654;
string string_number = itoa(int_number);
int int_numbers[];

for(int n=0; n<len(string_number); n++){
        int_numbers[n] = atoi(string_number[n]);

printf('%s', int_numbers);
// Result: {3, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4}
printf('%s', sort(int_numbers));
// Result: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
printf('%s', reverse(sort(int_numbers)));
// Result: {6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}

Get and set attribute values#

// Get attribute value from first Wrangle input:
vector point_pos = v@opinput0_P;
vector point_pos = point(0, "P", @ptnum);

// Get attribute value from scene geometry:
vector point_pos = point("op:../geometry_name", "P", @ptnum);

// Get primitive attribute in point mode
primattrib(0, "attribute_name", @ptnum, 0);

// Create color attribute and set it`s value to red
addpointattrib(0, "Cd", {1,0,0});

// Create point attribute and set value
// Could be used to create and set point attributes in detail mode
setpointattrib(0, "<attribute_name>", <point_number>, <value>, "set");

// Set attribute value:
f@pi = 3.1415;
v@vector_a = {1, 2, 3};
v@vector_b = set(1, 2, @P.z);

Modify input values#

float input;
// Modify with fit range
input = fit(input, <currentMinValue>,<currentMaxValue>, <outMin>, <outMax>);
// Modify with a ramp
input = chramp('Modify_Value', input);

Get points and primitives#

// Run over points
int points[] = expandpointgroup(0, "!*");
int primitives[] = expandprimgroup(0, "!*");
// Run over primitives
int points[] = primpoints(0, @primnum);

Add point attribute in Detail mode#

addpoint(0, {0,0,0});
setpointattrib(0, 'myAttribute', 0, 'attributrValue', "set");

Debug VEX with print#

// Basic print
printf('Hello, World');

// Print data
printf('The string is %s', 'Eve');         // Result: The string is Eve
printf('The integer is %d', 256);          // Result: The integer is 256
printf('The float is %f', 3.14156);        // Result: The float is 3.14156
printf('The the float is %.2f', 3.14156);  // Result: The float is 3.14

// Get all primitives
int primitives[] = expandprimgroup(0, "*");

foreach (int currentPrim; primitives){
        // print primitive number
        printf('Prim %s \n', currentPrim);

Create groups#

// Add points with X position > 1 to group "high"
if (@P.x > 1){
    setpointgroup(0, 'high', @ptnum, 1, 'set');
    // Alternative: i@group_high = 1

// To highlight VEX group in the viewport enter group name
// in the <Output Selection Group> field
// in <Bindings> tab of the Wrangler node.


for(first; last; increment) { // Do something }
foreach(element; array) { // Do something }
foreach(index; element; array) { // Do something }
// Create OPEN shape

// Create LINE primitive
int primitive = addprim(0, 'polyline');
// Calculate total number of points
int numberOfPoints = @numpt;

// Create a vertex for each point in primitive
for (int n=0; n<numberOfPoints; n++){
  addvertex(0, primitive, n);
// Create CLOSED shape

// Create POLYGON primitive
int primitive = addprim(0, 'poly');
// Store all points in array
int allPoints[] =  expandpointgroup(0, "!*");

// Create a vertex for each point in primitive
foreach(int currentPoint; allPoints){
  addvertex(0, primitive, currentPoint);


// Scale 10 times first and last points
if ((@ptnum == 0) || (@ptnum == (@numpt-1))) f@pscale = 10;
else f@pscale = 1;

// Scale 10 times first and last points, short form
f@pscale = (@ptnum == 0) || @ptnum ==(@numpt-1) ? 10 : 1;


// Find a vector between two points A and B (coords B - coords A)
vector vector_A = normalize(point(0, "P", <ptnum_B>));
vector vector_B = normalize(point(0, "P", <ptnum_A>));
vector vector_AB = vector_A-vector_B;

// Build tangent normals
vector vector_A = normalize(point(0, "P", @ptnum));
vector vector_B = normalize(point(0, "P", @ptnum + 1));
@N = vector_A-vector_B;

// Get angle between 2 vectors in radians
float angle = acos(dot(normalize(vector_A), normalize(vector_B)));

Transformation matrix#

// Get matrix from scene object
matrix matrx = optransform('obj/geometry_01');
// Apply object transforms to a points
@P *= matrx;

VEX functions#

// Create array from point positions (Detail mode)
function vector[] get_point_positions(){
    vector points[];
    for(int i=0; i<npoints(0); i++){
        vector point_position = point(0, 'P', i);
        append(points, point_position);
    return points;

printf('Array = %s\n',  get_point_positions());
// Result: Array = {{0,0,0}, {0,0.12,0}, {0,0.23,0}, {0,0.34,0}}

Using custom VEX modules#

It is possible to create custom VEX functions, save them in *.h files, and import them into the Attribute Wrangle. Importing is possible via #include statement, followed by the file name.

Import options:

  • Direct import with a full path:
    #include "D:/Eve/tools/houdini/vex/library.h"
  • The path to library.h file set via environment variable (os.environ['HOUDINI_VEX_PATH'] = "D:/Eve/tools/houdini/vex/"):
    #include <library.h>
  • The path set via UI parameter. lib_path = $EVE_ROOT, where $EVE_ROOT is "EVE_ROOT" env variable set to "D:/Eve"):
    #include "chs('lib_path')/tools/houdini/vex/library.h"

The library.h file, located in D:/Eve/tools/houdini/vex/library.h:

void hello(){
    printf('Hello, Eve!\n');

The code in Attribute Wrangle:

#include "D:/Eve/tools/houdini/vex/library.h"


// Result: Hello, Eve!

Custom data types in VEX#

If the default data types are not sufficient for your needs you can implement custom data type in VEX using struct.

The struct works only if defined in a custom module or in the "Outer Code" parameter of the "snippet1" node. You can find it inside the Attribute Wrangle asset (need to unlock Attribute Wrangle to have access):
attribwrangle1 > attribvop1 > snippet1

VEX Hash Table#

In this example, we would implement a Hash Table data structure, which allows storing key/value pairs. It is well known as a dictionary in Python or object in Javascript.

// The library.h content
// VEX Hash Table implementation for {string:float} pairs
struct hash_table{
    int array_len;  // Limit array length
    float data[];  // Init data

    int build_index(string key){
        // Build and return index for array from string
        int index = random_shash(key) % this.array_len*10;

        return index;

    void add_item(string key; float value){
        // Place item value in array at index position
        int index = this -> build_index(key);[index] = value;

    float get_item(string key){
        // Get item from array by position
        int index = this -> build_index(key);
        float value =[index];

        return value;

If we would need to store integer values for several items, e.g. amount of fruits we need to bye, we can use our hash_table structure.
The Attribute Wrangle (detail mode) code:

#include <library.h>

// Initialize hash table
float data[];
int table_size = 10;
hash_table fruits_number = hash_table(table_size, data);

// Add elements to hash map
fruits_number->add_item('apple', 256);
fruits_number->add_item('banana', 1024);
fruits_number->add_item('strawberry', 512);

// Get element
float number_of_apples = fruits_number->get_item('apple');
printf('Amount = %s \n', number_of_apples);

// Result: Amount = 256

VEX expressions#

Using VEX in the parameter interface of Houdini nodes. See documentation

Get Attributes#

detail("../nodeName/", 'attributeName', 0)
point("../nodeName/",@ptnum, 'attributeName',0)

Every N frame#

if(($F % N == 0),$F,0)
// Hscript version: floor($F/N)*N

Select corner points#

# create Groupexpreesion SOP
neighbourcount(0, @ptnum) == 2


In this section, there are a bit more sophisticated VEX solutions. Each solves some particular task and can be considered as a custom tool.

Hanging wire between two points controlled by ramp#

Build a hanging wire between 2 anchor points

Feed 2 points into detail wrangle
Define wire shape with a "Shape" ramp.

// Define initial variables
int number_of_points = chi('number_of_points');
vector anchor_a = point(0, "P", 0);
vector anchor_b = point(0, "P", 1);

// Build arc
for(int i=1; i<number_of_points+1; i++){

    // Distribute points evenly between anchors
    vector segment_len = (anchor_b-anchor_a)/(number_of_points+1);
    vector position = anchor_a + i*segment_len;

    // Modify Y position with ramp via remapped iteration numbers
    float range = fit(i, 1, number_of_points, 0, 1);
    position.y -= chramp('Shape', range);
    vector point_position = set(position.x, position.y, position.z);

    // Create point
    int point = addpoint(0, point_position);

    // Build polygons
    if(i==1) addprim(0, 'polyline', 0, 2);  // Add first segment
    if(i!=0 && i!=number_of_points) addprim(0, 'polyline', i+1, i+2);  // Add inner segments
    if(i==number_of_points) addprim(0, 'polyline', number_of_points+1, 1);  // Add last segment

Hanging wire between two points#

Build a hanging wire between 2 anchor points

Feed 2 points into detail wrangle
Ranges: shift = [-1:1], number_of_points = [1:10], curvature = [0:5]
Define wire shape with all 3 parameters (shift, number_of_points, curvature),
increase resolution with a subdivide node after. The number_of_points also affects shape!

// Define initial variables
float shift = chf('shift');
int number_of_points = chi('number_of_points');
vector anchor_a = point(0, "P", 0);
vector anchor_b = point(0, "P", 1);
float array_center = (number_of_points-1)/2.0+2;  // Created points array center

// Build arc
for(int i=1; i<number_of_points+1; i++){

    vector segment_len = (anchor_b-anchor_a)/(number_of_points+1);
    vector position = anchor_a + i*segment_len; // Distribute points evenly between anchors
    float point_num = i+1;
    float curv_value = chf('curvature');
    float curvature;

    // Adjust point positions to shape parabola
    if(point_num < array_center) curvature = curv_value/point_num; // Left side
    if(point_num == array_center) curvature = curv_value*1.16/point_num; // Center point
    if(point_num > array_center) curvature = curv_value/(point_num-2*(point_num - array_center)); // Right side

    // Aplyy adjustments
    position.y += curvature + shift - chf('curvature');
    vector point_position = set(position.x, position.y, position.z);

    // Create point
    int point = addpoint(0, point_position);

    // Build polygons
    if(i==1) addprim(0, 'polyline', 0, 2);  // Add first segment
    if(i!=0 && i!=number_of_points) addprim(0, 'polyline', i+1, i+2);  // Add inner segments
    if(i==number_of_points) addprim(0, 'polyline', number_of_points+1, 1);  // Add last segment

Flatten mesh by UVs#

// Plave points as UVs in 3d
v@rest = @P;
@P = vertex(0, "uv", pointvertex(0, @ptnum));

// Return them back
@P = v@rest

Remap random from 0:1 to -1:1#

float random = rand(@ptnum)*2-1;

Bend (curl) curves (hairs)#

// Primitive wrangle
int points[] = primpoints(0, @primnum);

matrix3 matrx = ident();
float angle = radians( chf('angle') );
vector axis = {1, 0, 0};

vector init_pos = point(0, "P", points[0]);
vector prev_pos = init_pos;

for (int n=0; n<len(points); n++){
    vector curr_pos = point(0, "P", points[n]);
    rotate(matrx, angle, axis);

    // init_pos *= 0.01; // spiral
    vector new_pos = (curr_pos - init_pos)*matrx + prev_pos;
    init_pos = curr_pos;
    prev_pos = new_pos;

    setpointattrib(0, "P", points[n], new_pos);

Create UVs on curves (hairs) and paint with ramp and random color#

// For input cluster of curves
// Set uv attribute from 0 at a root, to the 1 at a tip
f@uv = float(vertexprimindex(0, @ptnum))/(@numvtx-1);

// Paint curve and correct with ramp
@Cd = chramp('Value',@uv);

// Add random 10% of red curves
if(rand(@primnum) > 0.9){

Stick points to animated geometry#

Create TimeShift SOP after animated geo, Scatter SOP and Attribute Wrangler. Connect scatter, timeShift, animated geo to inputs 0, 1 and 2 of the wrangle.

int prim;
vector uv;

// What prim the scatterd point is close to, and position of this prim in uv space
xyzdist(1, @P, prim, uv);
// Set scattered point position
@P = primuv(2, "P", prim, uv);

Move an object to the origin and return back#

Create wrangle to move object to the origin

// Get center of the oject bounding box (centroid)
vector min = {0, 0, 0};
vector max = {0, 0, 0};
getpointbbox(0, min, max);
vector centroid = (max + min)/2.0;

// Build and apply transformation matrix
vector translate = centroid;
vector rotate = {0,0,0};
vector scale = {1,1,1};
matrix xform = invert(maketransform(0, 0, translate, rotate, scale));
@P *= xform;

// Store transformation matrix in attribute
4@xform_matrix = xform;

Create the second wrangle to return it to the original position

@P *= invert(4@xform_matrix);

Use Noise function#

// Visualise nose as Black and White values
// Delete black and white points separatly

// Default non zero values for 10X10 grid:
// Noise_size = 1
// Noise_threshold = 0.5

// Make geometry white
@Cd = {1, 1, 1};

// Setup noise
float noseValues = noise(@P*(1/chf('Noise_Size')) + chf('Noise_Offset'));

// Paint-delete points with noise
if(noseValues > chf('Noise_Threshold')){
    @Cd = 0;
    if(rand(@ptnum) < ch('delete_black')){
        if(chi('del') == 0){
            @Cd = {1,0,0};

if(noseValues < chf('Noise_Threshold')){
    if ( rand(@ptnum) < ch('delete_white') ) {
        if(chi('del') == 0){
            @Cd = {1,0,0};

Flatten surface bottom#

float min = ch("flatten_disrtance") + getbbox_min(0).y;
float max = getbbox_max(0).y;
float Y = clamp(@P.y, min, max);

@P = set(@P.x, Y, @P.z);

Multiply distribution (make small smaller, big bigger)#

value = pow(value, 8.0);

Noise the points#

// Define UI controls
float noise = chf('Noise_Power');
float freq = chf('Noise_Frequency');
// Create noise
vector noiseXYZ = noise(@P*freq);
// Apply noise to a point position
v@ns = fit(noiseXYZ, 0,1, -1, 1)*noise;
@P.x  += @ns.x;
@P.z  += @ns.z;

Select mesh border points#

// Get number of connectet points
int nbPts = neighbourcount(0,@ptnum);
// Create "border" group with border points
i@group_border = nbPts == 3 | nbPts == 2;

Shape Polywire with ramp for combined curves#

// Create Primitive Wrangle before polywire, use @width as Wire Radius
// Get array of points in each curve (primitive)
i[]@primPts = primpoints(0, @primnum);

// For each point in current curve
foreach (int i; int currentPoint; @primPts){
    float ramp_index = fit(i, 0, len(@primPts)-1, 0,1);
    f@widthPrim = chramp("shape", ramp_index)/20;
    setpointattrib(0, "width", currentPoint, @widthPrim, "set");

VEX strings#

// Build with variable
int version = 1;
string fileName = sprintf('', version);
// result:

Find closest points#

float maxdist = 0.8;
int maxpoints = 10;

int closept[] = pcfind(0, 'P', @P, maxdist, maxpoints);

Randomize file name#

// Get random file from,,
string variations[] = {'A','B','C'};
int variationIndex = rint(fit(rand(@ptnum), 0, 1, 0, 2));
string path = sprintf('D:/PROJECTS/VEX/geo/', variations[variationIndex])

Fade grid Y deformation closer to border#

float objectSize = (getbbox_max(0).x + getbbox_max(0).z)/2;
float dist = distance(0,@P);
float offset = chf('offset');
float fade = chramp('fade', fit(dist, 0, objectSize + offset, 0, 1));
@P.y *= fade;

Fade noise on curves with ramp#

// Requires uvtexture SOP in "Pts and Columns" mode before this wrangle

// Define UI controls
float remap_uv = chramp('remap_uv', @uv.x);
float power = chf('Noise_Power');
float freq = chf('Noise_Frequency');

// Create noise
vector noiseXYZ = noise(@P*freq);
// Modify noise values
vector displace = fit(noiseXYZ, 0,1, -1, 1)*power*remap_uv;
// Apply modified noise to a points position
@P += displace;
// Visualize fade ramp on curve
@Cd = remap_uv;

Rotate GEO with matrix along Y axis#

// Create rotation matrix
matrix3 matrx = ident();
// Create angle control with UI
float angle = radians( chf('angle') );
// Define rotation axis
vector axis = {0, 1, 0};

//Rotate the matrix
rotate ( matrx, angle, axis);

// Apply rotation: multiply position by matrix
@P *= matrx;

Adjust pivot point of rotation matrix#

matrix3 matrx = ident();
float angle = radians(36);
vector axis = {1, 0, 0};
vector pivot = {0, 2.56, 0};

rotate ( matrx, angle, axis);
@P = (@P - pivot) * matrx + pivot;

Rotate GEO with quaternion along XYZ axys#

// Setup angle control with UI
float angle_X = radians(chf('angle_X'));
float angle_Y = radians(chf('angle_Y'));
float angle_Z = radians(chf('angle_Z'));

// Apply rotation
vector rotations = set(angle_X,angle_Y,angle_Z);
@P = qrotate(quaternion(rotations), @P);

Rotate Y COPIES with quaternion multiply#

@up = {0,1,0};

@orient = quaternion(maketransform(@N,@up));
vector4 rotate_Y = quaternion(radians(ch('Rotate_Y')),{0,1,0});
@orient = qmultiply(@orient, rotate_Y);

Randomize copies#

// Define orientation vectors
@up = {0,1,0};

// Define random position values
float randPos_X = fit01(rand(@ptnum), -ch('Translate_X'), ch('Translate_X'));
float randPos_Y = fit01(rand(@ptnum), -ch('Translate_Y'), ch('Translate_Y'));
float randPos_Z = fit01(rand(@ptnum), -ch('Translate_Z'), ch('Translate_Z'));
vector randPos = set(randPos_X, randPos_Y, randPos_Z);

// Define random rotation values
float randRot_X = fit01(rand(@ptnum), -ch('Rotate_X'), ch('Rotate_X'));
float randRot_Y = fit01(rand(@ptnum), -ch('Rotate_Y'), ch('Rotate_Y'));
float randRot_Z = fit01(rand(@ptnum), -ch('Rotate_Z'), ch('Rotate_Z'));

// Apply random positions
@P += randPos;

// Apply random rotations
@orient = quaternion(maketransform(@N,@up));
vector4 rotate_X = quaternion(radians(randRot_X),{1,0,0});
vector4 rotate_Y = quaternion(radians(randRot_Y),{0,1,0});
vector4 rotate_Z = quaternion(radians(randRot_Z),{0,0,1});
@orient = qmultiply(@orient, rotate_X);
@orient = qmultiply(@orient, rotate_Y);
@orient = qmultiply(@orient, rotate_Z);

// Apply random scale
@scale = fit01(rand(@ptnum), chf('Scale_MIN'), chf('Scale_MAX'));


float angle;
vector pos = {0,0,0};
int npoints = chi('number_of_points');
float step = radians(ch('sweep'))/npoints;

for (int n=0; n<npoints; n++) {
    angle = step * n; // Or: angle += step;

    pos.x = cos(angle);
    pos.y = angle/10 ;
    pos.z = sin(angle);

    addpoint(0, pos);

Spiral grow#

float angle;
vector pos = {0,0,0};
int npoints = chi('number_of_points');
float step = radians(ch('sweep'))/npoints;

for (int n=0; n<npoints; n++) {
    angle = step * n;

    pos.x = sin(angle) * angle;
    pos.y = angle;
    pos.z = cos(angle) * angle;

    addpoint(0, pos);


int count = 400;
float bound = 10.0;
float tau = 6.28318530; // 2*$PI
float phi = (1+ sqrt(5))/2; // Golden ratio = 1.618
float golden_angle = (2 - phi)*tau; // In radians(*tau)
vector pos = {0,0,0};
float radius = 1.0;
float theta = 0;
int pt;

vector polar_to_cartesian(float theta; float radius){
    return set(cos(theta)*radius, 0, sin(theta)*radius);

for (int n=0; n<count; n++){
    radius = bound * pow(float(n)/float(count), ch('power'));
    theta += golden_angle;

    pos = polar_to_cartesian(theta, radius);

    // Create UP, pscale and N attr
    pt = addpoint(0, pos);
    setpointattrib(0, "pscale", pt, pow(radius,0.5));
    setpointattrib(0, "N", pt, normalize(-pos));
    setpointattrib(0, "up", pt, set(0,1,0));

Create geometry from points array#

float searchRadius = ch('searchRadius');
int nearpnts[] = nearpoints(0, @P, searchRadius);
foreach (int pnt;  nearpnts){
    if(pnt != @ptnum){
        int line = addprim(0, 'polyline');
        addvertex(0, line, @ptnum);
        addvertex(0, line, pnt );


Swap variables#

int varable_a = 256;
int varable_b = 512;

int swap = variable_a;
variable_a = variable_b;
variable_b = swap;

printf('variable_a = %s, variable_b = %s', variable_a, variable_b);
// Result: variable_a = 512, variable_b = 256

Reverse array#

int int_numbers[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
int rversed[];

for(int i=0; i<len(int_numbers)/2; i++){

    int number_from_start = int_numbers[i];
    int index_from_end = len(int_numbers)-i-1;

    rversed[i] = int_numbers[index_from_end];
    rversed[index_from_end] = number_from_start;

printf('%s', rversed);
// Result: {6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}

Choise sort#

int numbers[] = array(0,4,3,2,1);

for(int i=0; i<len(numbers)-1; i++){
    for(int n=i+1; n<len(numbers); n++){

            int swap = numbers[i];
            numbers[i] = numbers[n];
            numbers[n] = swap;

printf('Array = %s\n', numbers);
// Result: Array  = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

Bubble sort#

int numbers[] = array(0,4,3,2,1);

for(int i=1; i<len(numbers); i++){
    for(int n=0; n<len(numbers)-i; n++){

            int swap = numbers[n];
            numbers[n] = numbers[n+1];
            numbers[n+1] = swap;

printf('Array = %s\n', numbers);
// Result: Array  = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

Longest common prefix#

// Leetcode #14:  Longest Common Prefix

string names[] = array('floor', 'flower', 'flight');
string prefix;

for(int i=1; i<len(names); i++){
    for(int n=0; n<len(names[i]) ;n++){

        if(names[i][n] != names[0][n]){

        prefix = names[i][0:n+1];


printf('The common prefix is: %s\n', prefix);