Draw Curve |
Allows you to draw curve and on projected geometry |
Rotoshape |
Allow to rotoscope image files |
Polyframe |
Generate frames along curves, Mikkt Tangents, etc. |
Connectivity |
Generates mesh connectivity information so you can grab /destroy mesh islands |
Cookie |
Create outline of intersection of one geo onto another (useful for getting silhouette curve of geo on a plane) |
Point Deform |
Computes delta xform between two point clouds (with or without connectivity) and applies it as a lattice deformation to object. Useful for applying deformation from animation onto something you computed at frame 1 (like a silhouette) |
BlendPose CHOP |
This does a blendpose solve along the lines of Point Deform. Look at BlendPose Basic example |
Cloth Capture |
Assignes weights of a low res different topology mesh on higher resolution mesh. Can use this to convert blend shapes to bones |
Capture Attribute Pack/Unpack |
Allows capture attributes to be accessible to vex |
Skin Surface |
Create skin patch from curvese |
Dissolve |
Remove points but hole fill |
Shrink Wrap |
The Shrinkwrap operation computes the convex hull of the input geometry using the same method as Tetrahedralize, and translates the resultant polygonal primitives inwards along their normals. Unlike the Peak SOP, which takes the point and moves it according to the average of the neighboring polygons, Shrinkwrap moves the polygons and recomputes their intersections, possibly creating new and removing old points, but maintaining polygon normal directions. |
Peak/Soft Peak |
Move points along their normal to contract/dilate mesh |
Ray |
Project Geo onto another for attribute transfer |
Carve |
Automatically can cut geo/paths along u,v |
Fall-off |
Compute fall-off over surface with using either geodesic, or cartesian falloff |
Rest |
Creates an attribute which causes material textures to stick to surfaces deformed using other operations. |
Magnet + Metaball |
Offset/deform points/curves based on scaling of a metaball sphere |
Ray |
Can use it to project curves to geometry
Pointsfromvolume |
Generate points inside a volume. You can also connect use Scatter SOP + vdb input |